Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of whether " in BNC.

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1 There 's another sort of notion of whether you process the global feature or whether you process the local features and you attempt to find out they it dep vary between processes and which one they use , but it 's another way of distinguishing the sort of processing that goes on .
2 Draft SAS 470 sets out existing guidance in the new format including consideration of whether disclosure in financial statements is fair and the aggregate effect of uncorrected misstatements , while draft SAS 520 extends the scope of guidance in assessing other people 's work to include experts employed by the auditors .
3 One of the patients could not categorize the expression on faces that she was shown in photographs in terms of whether the expression was one of happiness , anger , surprise and so on .
4 I claim no copyright for the expression , but since first hearing it regularly find myself considering people in terms of whether they are ‘ earthed ’ or not .
5 It seems likely that responses were sometimes in terms of whether the post was full-time or part-time , and sometimes whether training responsibility was full or part-time , and that this genuinely reflects the rather confusing diversity of titles held by library staff with training responsibilities .
6 This information may then be represented statistically ; in terms of the frequency of occurrence of combinations of letters , or in terms of the probability that some letter is preceded by some combination of a number of other letters ( transitional probabilities ) ; or non-statistically in terms of whether or not some combination of letters occurs in the source .
7 The question appears at first in terms of whether the suppression of pornography by censorship is worth the price in terms of loss of freedom of expression .
8 The question of whether a decision was ‘ legal or not ’ is sometimes put in terms of whether it was made ‘ within or without jurisdiction ’ or whether it is ‘ intra vires or ultra vires ’ ( that is , literally , ‘ within or beyond power ’ ) .
9 The fact that some of the activities and functions of governmental agencies are subject to the rules of private law shows that we can not ( contrary to the tentative definition of public law suggested earlier ) answer this question solely in terms of whether we are dealing with a governmental agency .
10 AIthough there are common concerns shared by the two theories , and indeed attempts to draw on both of them , there are also differences in terms of , for instance , the way in which they characterize society , or the part of it they are dealing with , the degree to which they focus on production and technology , whether their focus is on sectors or wider processes , and in relation to evidence ( both in terms of whether their balance is towards description or explanation and in terms of their interpretation of evidence ) .
11 The effect of task difficulty in terms of whether a purely lateralised effect or a bilateral effect ( symmetrical or asymmetrical with respect to the two hands ) is observed thus appears to depend upon the nature of the two competing tasks .
12 Temporary jobs lasting more than a week can be considered in terms of whether they open or reopen rights to Unemployment Benefit .
13 Senior house officers could also be assessed in terms of whether their performance in post is satisfactory .
14 Classes are defined in terms of whether one owns or is a servant of a particular means of production .
15 What we can do by way of conclusion , however , is to point out once more the strengths and weaknesses of these various approaches in terms of whether the hypothesis and explanations they employ are rigorous or not .
16 Traditional catalogue studies considered success and failure of a catalogue consultation in terms of whether or not an item was in the catalogue and , if it was , whether or not the user managed to find it .
17 The difference is hard to explain as there was no difference between the two groups in terms of whether or not they were employed at the time they enquired about the courses .
18 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , as the all-party talks on the future administration of the Province are stalled , probably until after the general election , and as the previous review of local government in Northern Ireland took place more than 20 years ago , this is an ideal moment for an independent body to be asked to consider the structure and limited powers of present local authorities in terms of whether they meet the contemporary aspirations of people in Northern Ireland ?
19 In coming to a conclusion on whether these proposals should be called in for his determination , my right hon. Friend will consider the proposals in terms of whether they raise issues of national or regional significance or give rise to substantial controversy .
20 What should be done is the level of housing allocated to Selby should be assessed in terms of whether it can be satisfactorily accommodated , and if it ca n't then it should n't be allocated .
21 Now in terms of whether it should be five thousand plus , that of course is a matter of whether there is demand , now my my conclusion , from my fairly extensive knowledge of Greater York , is that you just could not fit a new settlement that size satisfactorily into the settlement and landscape pattern of Greater York , or its immediate surrounds , I just can not identify a location where that could be where where the roads , the public transport , the landscape , or indeed the agricultural land quality , from now onto five an area , suitably large for that type of what would be a a new town .
22 The contrast between the bare and to infinitive constructions with bid can therefore be stated in terms of whether compliance is taken for granted or not .
23 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
24 I sat down with LIFE and worked through their philosophy , erm in line with our own as it were , and they agreed , and I would ask them to agree this year that any paperwork or any leaflets they distribute make it very clear that a choice remains for a woman in terms of whether or not she should have an abortion , because LIFE is fairly , yes , Michael ?
25 Perhaps the mother-daughter relationship is also significant in respect of whether the Lady enters your life easily , or only after a long struggle .
26 The Arabic , for example , is ambiguous in respect of whether it is the copy or the itself that Yusuf Bali — who held the kadilik of Bursa for a time in the 840s-wrote ; and , on the evidence of the signature alone , it seems entirely possible that at some point , perhaps during his kadilik , he made a copy of the which Molla Husrev subsequently attested to be a true copy .
27 A concentration on seemingly abstract ideas like ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ may seem esoteric when compared to issues of whether girls are actively discriminated against in education .
28 The other morning , two tv channels were reduced to discussion of whether there had been too much war coverage .
29 After personal educational objectives have been set for each doctor the educational process should be completed by assessment of whether these objectives have been fulfilled .
30 For example , over the period rail transport lost heavily to road transport ( though assessment is complicated by problems of whether road transport paid the full costs of its operation ) and more recently coal has lost to alternative forms of energy supply .
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