Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus large companies and boards of nationalised industries were provided with enormous financial assistance enabling ( or rather persuading ) them to base their reorganisation on designated development areas which in many cases they would not otherwise have chosen , for reasons of both private and public benefit when judged over the longer run [ Knight , 1974 ; Moore and Rhodes , 1973 ] .
2 But it should be kept in mind that the home visit , for reasons of either vocational guidance or after-care , was intended to do more than simply attend to the school-leaver , who was urged to ‘ put your shoulder to the wheel ’ in order ‘ to reduce to a minimum the number of inefficient citizens ’ .
3 Following a presidential announcement on Dec. 7 , 1989 , that national service for white adult males was to be reduced from two years to one from 1990 , Defence Minister Gen. Magnus A. Malan announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that the period of community service for religious objectors was being halved and that those serving a mandatory six-year prison sentence for refusing the draft would be eligible for remission of up to 50 per cent .
4 For want of about £2 million , the same ca n't be said of the Vulcan Bomber .
5 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
6 In the limit , LTP can be produced in this way between pairs of synaptically coupled neurons .
7 We 've been fighting about money of late , but then again it might be my face .
8 Except for cases of incurably ill pets , where owner and vet agree that euthanasia is best , the reasons given are as follows , in order of frequency : a ) The client wants the vet to agree that the animal is terminally ill/suffering/too old to treat .
9 The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts .
10 The plan provides for the construction over the next three years of municipal effluent treatment plants in all towns along the river with a population of over 20,000 , the beginning of construction of such plants for cities of more than 50,000 , and the elimination of industrial sources of pollution .
11 The only way I can think of , or I think as far as anyone else can think of , deciding whether it has in fact been important in speciation , is to look for pairs of closely related species which differ in some striking morphological trait , but are still sufficiently similar genetically for you to be able to carry out a genetic analysis , i.e. to cross them , to get offspring , to get F two 's and it 's then possible , it 's obviously not — I 'm not going to explain the details of the technique to you now — but it 's possible to work out whether the difference is due largely , or in part , to some single large gene , or whether it 's on the whole due to quite a lot of small ones .
12 We do , as stated earlier , have an overriding obligation to prepare our graduates for their future through provision of not only conceptual understanding but also practical experience across all sectors of the profession .
13 Standard quantities of plant and water are used in whichever method is adopted , for times of up to six hours , to take in the various stages required .
14 Make sure , as part of TODAY 'S STEP , that you explain to your people why you are carrying out this " self-audit " .
15 Nevertheless , elements of this ideology , as well as more general aspects of McLuhan 's cultural-historical argument , have penetrated some writing on popular music , sometimes in a fairly unreflective way , sometimes as part of carefully constructed theories .
16 Perhaps the most important point to make is that , as part of affirmatively assessing elders , we should never assume that unconscious processes are less important or less worthy of exploration than they are in other people .
17 Linguistic terminology will therefore be implicitly assessed as part of how well children can use language .
18 WACC should emphasize greater media responsibility towards the public as part of more general endeavours towards genuine democracy .
19 All these modules can be taken individually or as part of more extensive programmes .
20 And in Scotland and Wales because there were no equivalents to the metropolitan districts , major urban centres were left as part of much bigger administrative areas with which they sometimes had little in common .
21 It has been shown that during intakes of up to 5 mmol/d most of the sulphate is absorbed in the small intestine and very little is found in ileal effluent although endogenous sources such as mucopolysaccharides provide an unknown additional amount of sulphate .
22 Drybrough 's , the brewery involved in the venture , pursued the three men for debts of over £40,000 .
23 The passing of the Insolvent Debtors Act in August 1844 ( 7 & 8 Victoria cap 96 ) , abolishing imprisonment for debts of less than £20 , however , was widely welcomed .
24 Eighteenth-century observers often argued that naval battles between opponents of more or less equal strength were almost certain to be indecisive , that naval warfare was by its nature unlikely to produce victories of the kind which might be expected on land .
25 We still have to wait months for payment of vitally important benefits such as the attendance allowance .
26 Notions , for example , of Ageless Ageing ( Kenton , 1986 ) slide between discussions of how to preserve a youthful skin and a young-looking body and how to stave off the ravages of appearing older , with discussions of mental vitality and energy , and so forth .
27 I scoured the greenery of the Jar din Massey unsuccessfully for signs of yet another literary genius with local connections : the bizarre Isidore Ducasse , alias the Comte de Lautréamont and author of the surreal Chants de Maldoror , who was born , like Laforgue , in Montevideo , but went to school in Tarbes and died even younger than Laforgue , at twenty-four .
28 The dramatic and yet equivocal significance of Martial Law — restoring Socialist order whilst forestalling Soviet invasion — has allowed Jaruzelski to remain faithful , at least in appearance , to the ideal of the LWP as guardian of both national and Communist values .
29 Most records are of single birds , but up to five have been recorded in one area at the same time and there is possibly a tendency for groups of up to four to appear more often .
30 Conference Room 1 is very useful for larger meetings , but there is scope for the use of a smaller room for groups of up to a dozen staff and/or external users .
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