Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] because he " in BNC.

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1 So erm I 'm you kn I do n't propose to do that again because I would n't er I would n't arrange a speaker if we had a full table show but it 's nice to know that it did work out because we were , I was forced into a corner a little bit erm and I think it was worth it because we as I say I 've waited a long time for Danny and he was well worth listening to , I can listen to Danny for hours because he he just speaks and , and tells you about his fish , I 'm , I 'm very very fond of listening to Danny cos I think he gives a good talk .
2 In May last year the Court of Appeal upheld a judgment against the friend for more than £5,500 damages for negligence because he had owed the accountant a duty of care .
3 I feel a bit sorry for Ian because he deserved a goal . ’
4 Sebastian Coe ( he gives Sheffield a bad name — he stood for Parliament because he could n't run for toffee )
5 She walked slowly round with him , talking about Magnus because he seemed to be mentally elsewhere .
6 Indeed , a party who signs a document will normally be bound by its terms even though he/she could not read them , for instance because he could not read the language in which they were written ( The Luna [ 1920 ] P22 ) .
7 When he was younger he 'd write songs about a laughing gnome , or a song about a laughing policeman , and I think it was a great outlet for David because he could almost blow his character out of all proportion and be able to pretend whatever he wanted to pretend , which is what actors and pop stars do .
8 This judge saw valuers/experts as quasi-arbitrators because he
9 He ca n't have put it there for effect because he did n't know who was going to be there .
10 Angie Bowie : ‘ With the Arts Lab in full swing , Ken Pitt was ironing out the finer points of a new record deal with Mercury Records and in his own way was very lucid about David because he never actually saw him rooted in England or rooted only in rock and roll .
11 But surely there has never been a case of any Hollywood actor admitting himself for therapy because he was so badly addicted to women .
12 Too young and protected to go to festivals , she grew her hair long like John Lennon and loved John Lennon after Yoko because he too wore glasses but did n't care .
13 She said Ken could look after Apricot because he was at home when she was out .
14 Walter , after Walter because he thinks he looks like Walter
15 He talked and wrote about Russia because he knew that land and loved it for its enduring cultural and academic qualities , which no one could deny .
16 Captain Allan Border said : ‘ Obviously I feel a bit sorry for Jonesy because he 's been in the side for a long time .
17 The earlier she was killed , the better it looks for Willard because he was in college till gone five , right ? ’
18 It would be easier for Frank because he knew Dublin already .
19 " I used to think he gave up his life for Ireland because he wanted a free country … "
20 It is a pity about Gray because he has given much to the club over three years .
21 As a child she had feverishly researched everything she could about Andalucía because he came from there , the most southerly region in Spain , the most fascinating and the biggest , the land of guitars and castanets , the land of the swirling dresses and sharply stamping feet of flamenco dancers .
22 ‘ He was adamant about rugby because he thought it was too physical for me .
23 She gave him a morsel of hope because he had always been so kind to her .
24 The fisherman has high levels of mercury because he catches and eats large fish that lie in undisturbed pools and lagoons where methyl mercury settles , but so far he has no conclusive symptoms .
25 The FBI prosecutes a cocaine-using mayor and is accused of racism because he is black .
26 ‘ This is his sort of course because he 's a grinder , ’ who succeeded Faldo as champion .
27 He would never have got married , of course because he was happy with his bachelor life .
28 It did n't do him a lot of good in the early er in the early days , but er it did stand him in good stead later of course because he became er er a full-time official o of the er Notts area N U M.
29 Huxley had been suspicious of evolutionism because he could see no plausible explanation of how species might change , and he welcomed Darwin 's theory with open arms because it offered a new hypothesis that confirmed the scientist 's right to treat the origin of species as a problem susceptible to natural explanation .
30 So that cost an awful lot of money because he was on a grant of course and he , he spent er about a year as a trainee teacher and we thought that was great because he was , he was dealing with , with er
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