Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 The quite complicated allowances for provision of expenditure based on different age groups result in almost no differentiation between authorities suggesting that considerable simplification would be in order .
2 I refer to your letter of 16 November 1992 which sought sites for woodland planting that would attract the Community Woodland Supplement .
3 What is required , therefore , is a combination of the two approaches , and it is through support teaching that this combination can be most effectively achieved .
4 Now for instance using that A P I , I could write a piece of C code , a piece of Three G L , which could access the database as if it was local to my machine on the client .
5 pensioner themselves who would sit down and think , now take for instance assuming that I would n't be a member of that just so surely a , a senior citizens ' club .
6 It has been suggested further that corporate ambitions extend beyond influencing the detail of regulation , with Reagan for instance claiming that ‘ … corporations are not only much concerned to protect their own immediate legislative interests , but are reaching out in an attempt to create a business-oriented political and social framework within which all public decision-making would be constrained .
7 The EC Arbitration Commission had recommended also recognizing Macedonian independence , but Greece objected to an independent state under that name [ see p. 38734 ] , and had insisted on the inclusion of a clause in the EC criteria for recognition stating that republics should renounce " the use of a denomination which implies territorial claims " .
8 Like any other book , however , they are listed in the catalogue , where they usually bear some distinctive mark such as R indicating that they are not available on loan .
9 Under ‘ running costs ’ there is a small box for RHAS and a large box for DHAs indicating that the bulk of expenditure is actually incurred by the District Health Authorities .
10 ‘ I am by no means suggesting that there is no crime or no violence , obviously that is not true .
11 Therefore , although hard work is necessary , slavishly following a " suggested regime " month after month hoping that it will some day " click " , may be ill-advised .
12 IT 'S incredible that a Durham beach — so horrible after coal dumping that it was used in a horror film — may be preserved as part of British history .
13 And I ran off home hoping that Barbie would n't come out and see that Marie was n't there at all .
14 If , on the other hand , it never occurred to the defendant that the victim was young or mentally abnormal , and he was not aware therefore that he was in a situation of potential risk , he should not be liable for rape providing that he took reasonable steps to ascertain that she did agree to vaginal penetration , for in such a case his conduct is reasonable in the light of the facts as he perceived them to be .
15 The building was a popular place for children to play despite signs warning that it was dangerous .
16 There are a number of authorities holding that this should be irrelevant .
17 Fortunately Johnny was still there — a stroke of luck considering that the pubs were open .
18 But while the company 's management would not deny an element of luck , they would also point to a good deal of contingency planning that enabled them to react faster than anyone else to ILG 's collapse .
19 Devonport Management Ltd has already submitted a 13-volume report to the Ministry of Defence arguing that opting for Devonport would save the Government more than £400m through lower operational costs and more flexible dock facilities .
20 The Somerset Trust for Nature Conservation has written to the Ministry of Agriculture complaining that , although the farmers had consulted ministry officials about their drainage plans , the officials did not refer the scheme t the council for comment , as they are required to do by the new Wildlife and Countryside Act .
21 For example , the types of decision making that are appropriate for a functionally controlled organization are inappropriate for a matrix organization or an organization driven by business areas .
22 By ( b ) I 'm not of course implying that I would necessarily agree with the judgement that pure theory is no use but I think that 's the way the students see it .
23 It was an arc-lamp with carbon electrodes parallel and vertical , the alternating current of course ensuring that the electrodes would wear down equally .
24 ‘ Mr O'Hare came to me a number of times complaining that he was being pestered .
25 The court will assess a fair level of award recognising that if the risk materialises the plaintiff will be under-compensated and if it doesn " t , he will be over-compensated .
26 The dose equivalence tended to fall with increasing doses of salmeterol indicating that the responses were tending to plateau with the 200 µg dose .
27 Most of the studies will involve volunteer trainee GPs who will try out a variety of mutually agreed upon strategies designed to increase the frequency of signs indicating that patients are making active checks on their understanding and acceptance of suggestions made by the doctor .
28 Their Lordships refused to look at the internal workings of Parliament stating that if errors had occurred in the procedure for passing legislation then it was for Parliament alone to correct them .
29 Lord Campbell , upholding the validity of the Act , refused to investigate the internal workings of Parliament saying that if the Act appeared valid on its face , then it must be accepted by the courts .
30 Somehow I find a little peace of mind knowing that I 'm in the one place in the world where I once knew true happiness . ’
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