Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 Only when he had asked her about Katherine had he realized that something was seriously amiss .
2 What sort of teaching did he give then ?
3 Born 53 years ago in Eisenach , now East Germany , the son of a haberdasher who fought in the war and died shortly after it , his family 's lack of money meant he had to win scholarships to schools and university .
4 Stewart Purvis , editor in chief of ITN said he was delighted with the new look .
5 Rebel priest Fr Pat Buckley of Larne confirmed he has issued writs for libel against Dublin radio show star Fr Michael Clery .
6 The Head of Department said he expected that the review would ‘ follow them through the normal day ’ , looking at ‘ the way we run the department ; the way we work according to the syllabus — how we relate to it ; the stock control ; the use of resources ; the teaching content and the skills taught ’ ( verified note of meeting ) .
7 What kind of librettos did he receive from his collaborators ?
8 • The mayor of Phoenix said he was encouraged by the positive response to the grand prix from the city .
9 Sam Torrance was promised a bonus of £20,000 had he emulated his feat in 1985 and holed the winning putt at the Ryder Cup .
10 Only with the retirement of Roberts did he get promotion to the new ball , whereupon he stepped up his speed and took 31 wickets against Australia in 1983–4 , although he then reduced it again .
11 The doctor said : ‘ A specimen of blood showed he had drunk the equivalent of nine or ten pints of lager or half a bottle of spirits . ’
12 A leading social work official in another part of Scotland said he was concerned that their staff were not properly trained , particularly in the field of disclosure work with children .
13 Eubank took a comfortable unanimous decision — although I had him winning by only one round and plenty of ringsiders thought he had n't made it .
14 Since he had ten minutes of lunch-break left he strolled into the canteen and sat down with Hickson , one of his more elderly colleagues — an avuncular type , deep in local politics , and decidedly cynical about Greg 's attempts to resuscitate an era of Oswaldston history long and thankfully closed .
15 What kind of person did he think she was ?
16 Oh I see and got wh what sort of things did he sell ?
17 So God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he them ; male and female he created them .
18 Near the end of Hakim 's disturbing testimony — bakhshish , back-scratching , dedicated bank accounts — Senator Trible of Virginia said he found it ‘ part James Bond and part Jimmy Durante , and it would be very laughable , but for the consequences for people and policy . ’
19 What kind of society did he envisage , beyond some rather vacuous generalities ?
20 What kind of cloth did he make ?
21 Dr Donald Clarke , of the British National Party , was not present and a show of hands suggested he has little support at the independent girls ' school .
22 THE Duke of Edinburgh showed he 's still a master of horse at Scotland 's largest carriage driving event .
23 What kind of clothes did he wear ?
24 The critic David Thomson thought Schlesinger , ‘ too sloppy an artist to let Ratso emerge as less than adorable , but Hoffman was probably capable of nastiness had he been trusted . ’
25 ‘ What sort of impression did he make on ye ? ’
26 THE Archbishop of Canterbury said he would be amazed if there was any large scale defection from the Church of England after last week 's decision to ordain women .
27 What sort of face did he have then to make it look surprised ?
28 The pulses of energy released he called ‘ overgrounds ’ .
29 A spokesman for Astra said he did not wish to comment at this stage .
30 In fact , I have no reason to think that Wilson wrote this or any other letter protesting against the establishment of a wide-ranging inquiry such as Denning believed he had been instructed to conduct .
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