Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] do " in BNC.

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1 But the drudgery of standing in queues for hours or doing housework is awful .
2 The traditional way of practising scales — up and down the fretboard in two octaves — is great for technique but does n't help much for connecting your ideas all over the fretboard in any given key .
3 ‘ In difficult times people want value for money but do not want to give up their favourite designer label brands .
4 ‘ In difficult times people want value for money but do not want to give up their favourite designer label brands .
5 However , human motivation is complex : people are not entirely driven by the desire for money or to do as little in the job as they can get away with .
6 The result was a whiplash neck that required him to wear a brace between performances and did not heal completely for three years .
7 I was getting real grown up and that — you know , looking after Satan and doing the shopping and that .
8 A follow up study on 22 patients before and at least one year after eradication of H pylori showed that the mean extent of gastric metaplasia did not change significantly after eradication and did not differ when compared wth 21 patients with persisting infection .
9 The women may spend large parts of the day on personal care , preparing and clearing up after meals and doing their laundry .
10 If you 're after shareware and do n't want to pay a library for a disk full , the only other way is to either copy the programs from a friend or get on-line to a Bulletin Board System and download the programs from there via a modem .
11 I find it quite hard going being the first up every morning and then the last to bed after walk and doing the washing up machine and so on .
12 keep fit till after Christmas , do n't like the cold weather , he 's gon na go back after Christmas and do it .
13 Yesterday 's figures were for February and did not include recent huge job losses at Rolls-Royce .
14 Other women did not want to adopt the ‘ unemployed ’ label associated with registering for work or did not want confirmation of their unemployed status .
15 Some as young as eleven and twelve , these ‘ migrant labourers ’ went looking for work and did not always find it , turning to other less than legal ways of earning their bread .
16 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
17 The king believed that although Lancaster and his followers claimed to be acting in the king 's name they would in fact create disorder and in any case ‘ it was not their duty to act as judge and do justice ’ .
18 We talk freely about emotions but do not really stop to think what they are .
19 Evening Primrose Oil ( e.g. Efamol ) is helpful for PMT but does not contain any vitamins or minerals .
20 The defendants paid in cash the balance of £250 but did not deliver the lorries .
21 The on the only thing is sometimes if you a if you ask some of these people to do these things I know it 's not a lot of responsibility but do you reckon it goes to his head ?
22 it 's terrible , awful showing her sense of responsibility and doing what she says she 's going to do .
23 ‘ If you 've any sense you 'll grab a pair of skis and do the same .
24 Even when the referential locus of noun and adjective are the same , however , there is no general guarantee that the overall " output " , in terms of intensional entities ( and the real or potential referents to which they may correspond ) will be the same under these two ways of linking an adjective to a noun , which amount respectively to introducing a subject x identified in part through having the property F , and to introducing a subject x and saying that it has the property F. For instance , if we move from the predicative structure : ( 7 ) clouds are small to the phrase small clouds , we pass to an expression which identifies a certain group of entities but does nothing more than identify them ; whereas expression ( 7 ) identifies a quite different ( and much larger ) group of entities , and says something about them ( which , as it happens , is not true , even though small clouds certainly do exist ) .
25 The functions , including in particular those to be carried out for the direct benefit of individual members of the public , such as social services , may require the borrowing of money and do require the recruiting and employment of many men and women to work for the council .
26 He was an influential figure in the founding of the Royal College of Pathologists and did much as secretary of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland to create and foster links with sister European societies , especially in Holland and Norway .
27 Ensuring that all children studied a broad range of subjects and did not drop at too early a stage in their school careers subjects which might be useful to them later .
28 It has been said that the Acts " provided a new cause of action and did not merely regulate or enlarge an old one " .
29 We hope that the Government will listen reasonably to them , because they have been tabled in a reasonable frame of mind and do not make party political points .
30 I was in and out of relationships and did n't feel any particular urge to use prostitutes .
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