Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh pn] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This matter is of the greatest concern to my constituents , many of whom are at their wits ' end as to what can be done to halt the murderous menace of the theft and racing of cars in residential city streets .
2 Sludd 's nearest challengers are Christy O'Connor Jnr and defending champion Eamonn Darcy , both of whom are at one over par — four shots behind .
3 She lived there with her family , some of whom are on a skiing holiday in Europe .
4 Sir Thomas was quite willing to try , even though ‘ four gentlemen , two of whom are of another communion ’ , had declined to sign the petition .
5 I should like to thank all our workforce , the majority of whom are of course remaining with the company , for their impressive commitment to getting on with the job in hand , despite the company 's problems .
6 He added : ‘ She knows he 's no angel but she blames a lot of his problems on his older friends , many of whom are into crime of some sort .
7 Most visitors — many of whom are in their early thirties — ask where to find the more unusual plants ( like the white version of Jacob 's Ladder ) and how to lay them out .
8 The result , however , is not in doubt ; the British housing system is becoming increasingly polarized between a majority of secure owner-occupiers who have made substantial capital gains and are receiving large continuing subsidies , and the rest ( this includes the group which space has precluded discussing : the marginal group of owner-occupiers , many of whom are in a more precarious position than local authority tenants , and whose problems will become much more prominent in years to come ( Karn , Kemeny , and Williams , 1985 ; Sullivan and Murphy , 1987 ) ) .
9 Other interest groups include other organisations ( eg. suppliers or customers ) , shareholders , consumer associations , government , regulatory bodies etc all of whom are in positions to bring a certain amount of pressure to bear on organisations to have their interests preserved .
10 This theory suggests that within society power is fragmented between different groups all of whom are in competition with each other .
11 There are several hundred members in ‘ LHC ’ , many of whom are in senior positions in significant companies , and it might provide some useful contacts for you too , but there are inevitably the questions of time , travel and costs and so on .
12 It does not deal with hard-core , habitual car thieves — most of whom are in their teens , and who will grow out of it by their mid-twenties .
13 THE residents of an old people 's home in Londonderry , some of whom are in their late 80's , are to be moved to new accommodation and the home closed , the Western Health and Social Services Board has announced .
14 The first match at the Hillsborough Centre , Sheffield , is against the Lancashire County U18s , several of whom are in the England squad .
15 Prosecutor Dorian Lovell-Pank told the court : ‘ A group of people , not all of whom are in the dock , were engaged in the wholesale theft or handling of a vast amount of property .
16 Working on the template agreed with his fellow coaches , McGeechan and Douglas Morgan , Dixon has brought a dynamism to the driving mauls , mostly triggered from clean lineout ball , which had seemed largely beyond the Scottish Exiles — four of whom are in the pack — when they attempted to deploy that tactic during the inter-district championship .
17 My Guiding plus teaching Medau keeps me in contact with seven year olds through to my ‘ old folk ’ Medau class some of whom are in their nineties !
18 I think that if you 've only got twenty spaces then that 's difficult because we 've got a hundred and something members most of whom are in the central belt
19 The Marriage Act 1949 provides that a marriage between persons either of whom is under the age of 16 is void .
20 The following are also void : marriages between parties who are not respectively male and female ; marriages between persons , either of whom is under the age of 16 ( see p. 43 ) ; and a polygamous marriage entered into outside England and Wales , if either party was at the time domiciled in England and Wales ( for domicile , see pp. 61–3 ) .
21 One patient had a combined cholecystoscopy and endoscopic sphincterotomy to clear stones from the gall bladder and bile duct , leaving two patients with a failed clearance , one of whom is without symptoms ( patient IV ) .
22 Under the present arrangement , single week Championship Series are guaranteed six top-rated players , although much to the surprise of four tournament directors , one of whom is on the Tour Board , the word ‘ guaranteed ’ has been changed to read ‘ Tour goal ’ .
23 Mr. A. J. Beith ( On behalf of the House of Commons Commission ) : The Computer Officer , who has responsibility to both Houses for computer developments planned for Parliament as a whole , has a staff of two assistant computer officers , one of whom is on secondment to the House , and one full-time and one part-time secretary .
24 A marriage celebrated between two persons , one of whom is at the time validly married , is in any case void ; and any person knowingly entering into such a marriage is guilty of bigamy .
25 I shall draw up a rota of ministers , each of whom is to be referred to in turn as ‘ the next leader of the Tory Party ’ , thus destroying their careers .
26 The cottage we had rented in Dorset was attached to a farm , and the farmer had four sons , the youngest of whom was about my age .
27 Their heads , none of whom was of high noble birth and some of whom were of relatively humble origins , were officials rather than statesmen .
28 There was a crew change at Nairobi comprising the two pilots , two flight engineers ( one of whom was under training ) and a loadmaster .
29 Cramped accommodation was found in the Louvre for six students , each of whom was to be paid an annual stipend of 1,000 livres , a director and later a secretary .
30 Thus in a case in 1969 , where the 10-year-old child born in England of Spanish parents had been very unhappy during the seventeen months he had spent with them in Spain , and had then lived happily for several years with foster parents and their six children in England , the court refused to make an order that care and control should be granted to the parents , one of whom was in poor health .
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