Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] it come " in BNC.

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1 The fascinating details of how it came to be are still waiting to be found .
2 A legend concerning the London North Western Railway Company ‘ Whitworth ’ class locomotive named The Luck of Edenhall No 90 — what an unusual name — but then the story of how it came by the name is unusual too .
3 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
4 Two or three weeks away from the home environment in a tense atmosphere at the site of a recently crashed aircraft where everyone , officials and public alike , is looking to you to resolve the puzzle of how it came about can be stimulating , even exciting .
5 ‘ Father , when it became known that Saint Winifred 's relics had been loaded with the timber for Ramsey , when there was no longer any doubt of how it came there — for we knew , every man of us , that there was none , for who else could it have been ? — then I was burning with anger against the thief who had dared such sacrilege against her , and such a gross offence against our house .
6 Can you give some idea of how it came about that you in fact decided strike ?
7 Finally , we learn how the telescope has been used to track spacecraft — there is an exciting account of how it came to be the main receiving station for the first moonwalk .
8 I expect to read a full and objective description of what 's on the site now , together with a documented reconstruction of how it came to be like that .
9 So out of yesterday it was how to put the structure together as the delivery of how it came across and what the audience 's reaction was to it .
10 The problem of how it comes about that individuals develop as either males or females was solved , at least in principle , during the first quarter of this century .
11 ‘ We have no knowledge of where it came from , ’ said a spokesman .
12 We never have a satisfactory explanation of where it comes from .
13 ‘ Here am I , ’ he explained , ‘ with inside information about a very good story , and I ca n't use it because of where it comes from .
14 Russia was being left behind when it came to efficiency of production .
15 But it seems likely that more than four million disabled people and full-time carers are discouraged , disenfranchised and/or discriminated against when it comes to voting .
16 This is a way of showing what an owl 's pellet looks like when it comes out of the bird , and then ‘ dissecting ’ it to show the various bones and other indigestible bits and pieces that pass through the owl 's system .
17 As one delegate to the discussion put it ‘ The women still do n't understand what the real world is like when it comes to their commercial value but at least they 've realised for the time being that they have bitten off more than they can chew . ’
18 Okay so that list , in fact that 's what it looks like when it comes into us .
19 And wounded pride was something that she could quite easily cope with when it came to Jonathan Whalley .
20 Rap , they feel , may help return jazz from whence it came — to a younger , blacker audience .
21 ESR spectra act as fingerprints in distinguishing , for example , the country of origin of flint or marble , and even the particular quarry from whence it came .
22 Of the second here illustrated , the Moss Provence , Miller said that it had not long been known in London and the first time he saw it ‘ was in 1727 in the garden of Dr Boerhaave near Leyden who was so good as to give me one of the plants , but from where it came I could not learn .
23 I know from where it comes and where it wishes to get to .
24 He told chairman Michael Croucher he had found the nearby new frame while he was walking along The Hollow ( RUPP 45 ) at Bramshott and was puzzled as to how it came to be lost .
25 Perhaps this observation begins to afford a clue to how it comes about that observable quantities can be associated with certain operators .
26 The significance of the message depends on where it comes from .
27 So strategic priorities are not always adhered to when it comes to hard cash .
28 I promise that I will look into it and can I , can report back to you if you wish me to when it comes out .
29 As to where it came from , no-one really knows , and as can be imagined legends abound .
30 ‘ I know she treasured it , though she never gave an inkling as to where it came from . ’
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