Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] he come " in BNC.

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1 It informs us of the ‘ forces ’ which shaped Roth 's tours de force of the Sixties and early Seventies , and it informs us of how he came to be where he is now .
2 In between times , a whole psychological scenario is elaborated , in which we piece together the flavour of his anxiety about the pay , his disappointment at not getting the information out of the lady , his interpretation of what she is like ( inferred from her appearance , actions , and conversation ) , his assessment of her son , his misunderstanding of the son 's errand , and his recollection of how he came to be involved in the interview .
3 An example of the latter point I made is shown on pg 45 where he tells of how he came to know Eddie .
4 Now detectives are trying to unravel the mystery of how he came to be found face down in a ditch in a plantation on Scotston Farm , Auchterhouse , nearly eight miles from his home on the Ardler estate in Dundee .
5 Not once had anybody thought anything of where he came from .
6 Here , he 's looking in how he came , where is it ?
7 When in the same issue the journal reviewed Why Men Forget we are reminded of just how many social melodramas there were for this film showed a Socialist spokesman being discharged from a factory and ‘ denouncing wealth in no uncertain terms ’ before inheriting wealth and marrying a society girl and finally deciding to return to the poor folk from whence he came .
8 the why come from where he cometh
9 The man had plainly not left British shores and London itself was worlds apart from where he came from .
10 Left alone now , she fell into a troubled sleep and a dream in which her father was decapitating men in the back yard , and one of them was the nice young man whose name she did n't know nor from where he came .
11 You do n't get from where he came to where he is now without having some degree of substance .
12 Erm Eric in , in Manchester from where he comes is extremely well known obviously within the G M B but his record he 's one of the individuals in the trade union movement that I think are becoming somewhat of a rarity these days I know that many of us when we first started in the movement were very easily able , and , and very relaxed about combining trade union and political activities together but of course as time goes on and , you do tend to become more involved in the one and the other , because of course it 's all time-consuming but I can honestly say that in Eric 's case he 's never deviated one iota from his commitment both to the trade union , this union in particular , and to the Party never deviated at all .
13 I do not know the name , or from where he comes , or from whom he comes .
14 Quite apart from what the organisers tell him of their intentions , he may have sources of information that have a bearing on how he comes to a conclusion about predicted outcomes .
15 I have in fact no explanation to offer as to how he came to die , and it may be that no trustworthy explanation will ever be achieved .
16 When asked on one occasion what he considered Truth to be , it would seem that Gandhi interpreted the question as a request for information as to how he came to know Truth .
17 ‘ You 've no idea where he must have gone to when he came back from London ? ’
18 He went out and got the potatoes for his mother , bought a doughnut and put the kettle on when he came in .
19 Then Kraal remembered that when Creggan had asked him about where he came from all he had said was ‘ the South ’ and not really told him any more .
20 And that went on for two or three weeks you know , and I said to the the station master at when he came across on his once a week visits he would come across .
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