Example sentences of "[prep] [n mass] with [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It will be open on Thursday from 10am-4pm and aims to break down the family , work and leisure isolation problems of people with hearing difficulties .
2 Although based in the care of people with learning disabilities , the work outlined and the conclusions drawn have a far wider relevance .
3 Initially he provided an assessment and counselling service for the families of people with eating disorders .
4 Although the article concerns the use made of multidisciplinary teams working with people with learning disabilities in Nottinghamshire , it has much wider significance .
5 What was most striking about the CMHTs , however , was that each of the teams sought to become involved with people with learning disabilities primarily in order to achieve planned changes in lifestyles , choices and opportunities .
6 NAPSAC , which has just ended a successful pilot year , aims to establish links between agencies and individuals working with people with learning disabilities who are at risk .
7 In 1986 he became general manager for a private sector group 's residential and nursing homes and for the past year has been connected with the Bridge Hospital in Witham , involved with people with learning disabilities .
8 I think your G P is maybe one of the first places to go but the trouble , I think , with people with eating problems is it 's very hard to explain what the problem is .
10 Services for people with learning disabilities remain almost as unsatisfactory as in other fields of social care ( Wistow , 1985 ) , and the best way to use social work skills is still a matter for debate .
11 These CMHTs were in some respects advantaged by serving large areas because ‘ community of interest ’ is as important if not more so for people with learning disabilities ( and their carers ) as is community in the sense of neighbourhood .
12 Despite strenuous effects to commit resources to services for people with learning disabilities , Nottinghamshire social services department could not avoid making this policy decision — a decision which was sorely tested .
13 The Makaton Vocabulary was devised as a ‘ language enabling device ’ for people with learning disabilities ( Walker and Armfield , 1982 ) .
14 Hagger was formerly an adviser for people with learning disabilities .
15 Both the housing department and housing associations had helped with accommodation , and the social work team had started luncheon clubs and drop in centres for people with learning disabilities who did not go to day centres .
16 This difference will not affect care management much in cases where social services teams are the main purchasers — for example , in services for people with learning disabilities .
17 11 were for people with learning difficulty or mental handicap , and 4 were for elderly people with a mental impairment , 3 for elderly people who were physically frail , I for children and 1 for physically handicapped adults .
18 Mansell and Beasley look at new forms of residential care for people with learning disabilities and who exhibit particularly problematic forms of behaviour .
19 Readers of this journal will find some of the sections useful if they have responsibility for people with learning disability living in group homes .
20 Residential respite care for people with learning disabilities , and possibly also for other user groups .
21 Services for people with learning disabilities
22 Item twenty as well as twenty six , you are suggesting that meals go up in day centres by fifteen percent , and then on twenty six , we introduce a two pound a week for daycare , for people with learning disabilities .
23 We 're spending five million , if you look , er , on services for people with learning disabilities .
24 Erm , the scheme itself is one which is very much in mind with er , various policies that you 've had put in front of you , in terms of er , provision er , for this type of scheme for people with learning disabilities .
25 There are special amplifiers for telephones and televisions , for people with hearing problems .
26 A new resource centre for people with hearing problems has opened at Bootham House , Bootham , York .
27 KS lesions on the face can be distressing , but can be covered with special make-up formulated for people with disfiguring birth-marks .
28 Iranians had more respect for people with graying locks ; North , already tipped off by Ghorbanifar , had put more white in his ; so Hakim and Nir went back to the shop and had Nir 's hair sprayed , Hakim all the while keeping his identity firmly under his wig .
29 She will talk about how we can give better support to people with hearing disabilities .
30 Similar conditions would apply to people with teaching qualifications from abroad that had not previously been recognised .
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