Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] mr [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Erm unle unless we 're actually making that change as such , then the only way forward it seems to me i i is on the lines of which of which Mr has indicated which is that erm essentially the needs of Greater York are calculated on the current Greater York study area and the requirements are made on that basis and the supply is within that area , unless it ca n't be made in that area in that case it goes without that area , and therefore it it it 's part of the justification for the new settlement .
2 I in in the context of what Mr has just said , and I 'm really talking about the way he 's said it , but the way actually looked at the criteria , can I try to cos I would like to close on this particular question by one o'clock .
3 Well erm I entirely agree with most of what Mr has said .
4 Mr can I come back to you and in light of what Mr has said ,
5 Now Mr , in the light of what Mr has said , do you understand that if the structure plan key diagram was amended in that way , it will still yo leave you and your clients open to challenge , or you would have a better chance of challenging er the er preferred option of the County Councils at the next stage , which is either through the local plan channel or through the er the the planning application stage for the highway ?
6 It is a bypass an and it , it 's good in that respect because it will do erm a lot indeed for people who live on Road , for example , people who live on Road and I know that Mrs knows that area particularly well and might agree with what Mr says that it , it does n't actually get into at all , therefore it 's er
7 Because I can agree to some degree with what Mr has said .
8 If as I suspect from what Mr has said that that the there is some reluctance to start revamping the Greater York in quotes figures .
9 It resulted in the erm extra requirement for security which does happen to which Mr has referred and I I think it 's it 's very very important to realise that if that three party cooperation can be achieved as it should be , bearing in mind what Simon says that we are going to have to do this , with horrendous problems in the youth and community project in the future and we would be failing completely in our duty , not just to the people of Highfields , but to the people of this whole county if we simply allowed politics , as has been done in the past , to lead to entrenched positions and the idea of simply saying to the director , we are in a mess therefore will you please deal with it all is I think wildly irresponsible and I 'm very very surprised indeed that erm that point should be put .
10 Well Mrs you 're pleading guilty for these offenses and we 've listened to what Mr has said on your behalf and we 're going to be as lenient as we can in the circumstances .
11 Can I say in relation to what Mr has said
12 Can we move on and look at what Mr has er expressed as landscape impact .
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