Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or was Germany , rather than Italy , his real destination after whatever was due to happen in Paris ?
2 For his drawings Rembrandt made use of any old piece of paper lying about which was suitable .
3 But I do n't think it really ever I mean there were quite a lot of initiatives like that you know of people thinking of different ways really of of sticking together to combat er you know what I 've been talking about which was smashing unionism and er forcing lower wages really onto the the already low paid , which er really seems to be what Thatcher 's all about you know in order to er curb inflation and create a very divided society where er half the population seem to have to live either on the dole or in in poverty really in in derelict bits of Britain .
4 The charter explicitly promised the privatisation of British Rail , detailed plans for which were supposed to be set out in a white paper .
5 Almost certainly Thomas Cromwell was thinking of the data assembled in 1522 when he estimated the nation 's wealth at £4 million , one-quarter of which was annual income from land , which should be multiplied by twenty — the customary rate of capitalisation — to effect a valid comparison with the three million comprised by the capital value of moveables .
6 Politically , too , it is worth remembering that , as the American Embassy in Paris reported , the Pleven cabinet faced a dozen problems , any one of which was capable in normal times of causing the downfall of two or three French governments .
7 Bulwark was commissioned in January 1960 and stationed with her Commando embarked at Singapore ; Albion followed as the second Commando Carrier about a year later ; construction of six Army-owned Landing Ships Logistic ( LSLs ) was authorised in August 1960 ; the Assault Ships Fearless and Intrepid were ordered in 1961 and 1962 ; and design work was started in December 1961 on the next generation of aircraft carriers , the first of which was code-named CVA 01 .
8 None of which was apparent in the overweight figure coming slowly alive in their bed .
9 Lowering his tracksuit bottom , the left leg of which was sticky with drying blood , he quickly bound the already clotting wound in his left thigh inflicted by Grant 's knife thrust .
10 It had two main effects , the first of which was beneficial , in that the School gained a certain measure of independence from the Town Council , for various other public bodies were invited to nominate Governors .
11 The sleeves themselves replaced bottles , which were difficult to dispose of , and re-cycling of which was expensive .
12 He wore a topee , the original colour of which was uncertain , it was so battered and stained with sweat ; a bright red shirt ; and a pair of khaki shorts held up with an old red and orange tie .
13 ‘ This is typical of the way we have been treated since the days of mass vesting of land , much of which was surplus to requirements . ’
14 Erm fact that you set up the scene for the introductions and you asked for it that you , you know , took and reduced those people to an image of which was good .
15 London 's only entirely new tube line in recent times , the Victoria , opened in 1971 , and the Jubilee , only a small part of which was new , the rest the partially transformed Bakerloo of 1905–15 , was completed in 1979 .
16 She had to keep inventing ruses to protect herself against this resident ratpack , one of which was perpetual creativity through weaving a tapestry which she never finished .
17 Examination of the aircraft revealed a quantity of metal swarf in the oil filter , the nature of which was consistent with that which would be expected from a bearing failure within the engine .
18 We describe a female patient who developed both these conditions , the treatment of which was unsatisfactory until a thymectomy was performed .
19 as if this were not bad enough , the great mudflow rolled on into the sea at the mouth of the Riviere Blanche , setting up a series of waves as it did so , one of which was powerful enough to capsize the yacht Precheur moored off the river mouth .
20 The United States space programme suffered a serious setback in May 1991 when a congressional committee voted to reduce to $100,000,000 in the current fiscal year the projected $2,000 million budget for the Freedom space station , the construction of which was crucial to further manned missions to the moon and one to Mars , which President George Bush stated should be achieved by 2019 , the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing .
21 It needs to be emphasized , however , that such a conclusion would be in despite of the earliest biographical sources , the author of one of which was contemporary in time , if distant in space , and also , as far as one can judge , of the chronological lists and would therefore constitute important evidence of the limitations of these source materials .
22 There were four councils in each of the constituent cities , membership of which was oligarchic in the sense that there was a property qualification ( Ar .
23 It would not have surprised me to hear him say that he had advised the Almighty strongly against the Flood and other similar claims , the foolishness of which was self-evident , but not to Him .
24 It ranged from omelettes and vegetables to kebabs and beer , none of which was available .
25 Mandela undertook in October a six-country tour of Asia , including India , Indonesia and Japan , one of the primary aims of which was fund-raising .
26 The result was that yesterday they turned on us for information as to the number of men to be dropped , the weight of stores and the mileage and so on , all of which was essential for them to know if they were to fit out the aircraft properly .
27 I think of one particular school working with a scheme on " The World of Nature and Belief in God " in which the same slides were shown , the same background material given to teachers , and the same amount of time allowed for discussion in the four different classes of 9 – 10 year-olds , each of which was similar in composition with regard to ability and home background .
28 Part of the deal with the management buy-out team was an option on ten per cent of the new company when it came to the market , no equivalent of which was possible under the terms of any of the outside bids .
29 Over the years they had become friends of the family and had been granted privileges — one of which was limited entry to the Domain .
30 It was , however , a month or two before they gave up sending me colourful brochures with inducements to have a rose bush planted in his name or an attractively calligraphed entry in their ‘ Book of Remembrance ’ , to be opened every year on the date of his death to commemorate his passing etc , etc , none of which was cheap and I 'm sure that neither I nor anyone else who knew him will need that kind of reminder .
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