Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 Austerity measures caused violent public demonstrations [ see pp. 37472 ; 37929-30 ] , during which more than 1,000 people were arrested .
2 East Germans now have to wait for weeks or even months for replies to their applications for visas to Hungary , through which more than 31,000 have escaped since August .
3 Nonetheless there are titles for which more than one source of information needs to be consulted — either because the titles are borderline choices , and/or because one source does not give all the information needed .
4 Over a longer period , substances produced in quantities of between 10 and 1000 tpa will be covered , while substances of which less than 10 tpa are produced annually will not come within the scope of the programme for the time being .
5 ‘ Now we get 200 a month , of which more than 100 are coming from employers who want to develop such policies …
6 They made a national profit of £7.2 million , of which more than 90p in every pound goes to cancer research .
7 A further series of ‘ county ’ books is that devoted to ‘ The Making of the English Landscape ’ , of which more than a dozen have appeared under the Hodder & Stoughton imprint .
8 In February 1983 there were about 3200 casualties , of which more than 33 were fatal .
9 Currently , the J/44 — of which more than fifty have been built — is the flagship of the range , although a 60ft ( 18.3 ) flyer is promised for later in the season .
10 It is evident from Table 27 that over the most recent two years — 1990 and 1991 — there were 2,147 pedestrian casualties of which more than one in four ( 26% ) were killed or seriously injured .
11 A five-year development plan calling for expenditure worth Rs190,000 million ( US$4,400 million ) , of which more than 64 per cent was expected from the private sector , was announced by the government in mid-December .
12 Their second phase from 1750 to 1772 , when the annual rate of formation exceeded forty a year , was one of rapid spread over most parts of the country , at the end of which more than 500 trusts repaired more than 1,500 miles of the roads of England and Wales .
13 UK wellington boot sales numbered seven million pairs last year , of which more than 85 per cent were PVC .
14 They account for £734 million , of which more than £400 million is in UK-based funds .
15 ‘ Well over £20 million will be available to carry the new measures through , of which more than £10 million will be available to the local enterprise company networks . ’
16 Particularly noteworthy was the case of 19th Century publications , of which more than one in four ( 27% ) were in need of attention — a higher proportion than for any other group , including those of earlier date ( although it is acknowledged that the figures for earlier publications were in some cases based on comparatively small samples ) .
17 In the private sector , the British Council runs a Recognition Scheme under which more than 200 schools are now regularly inspected in terms of stringent criteria ; a similar scheme has just been established for State Colleges .
18 The package is modelled on a successful Canadian Superhost hospitality programme developed by that country 's tourism ministry under which more than 200,000 people have so far been trained .
19 Thus , the list in Figure 13.2 ( below ) shows some title-like statements of complex subjects within which more than one simple concept can in general be identified .
20 These upheavals have created a society in which more than 75 per cent of the people are now urban .
21 As to which is the more stringent obligation in a situation in which more than one applies , that is for intuitive assessment in the light of all that can be known about the particular circumstances of the case .
22 Prices had already quadrupled during the siege ; now a frenzy of economic activity took place in which more than one lady gave a handful of pearls for a bottle of honey or a box of dates .
23 ( Occasional instances are known in which more than one spermatozoon has penetrated an ovum , but its condition is then non-viable . )
24 There may well be other regions of the universe , or other universes ( whatever that may mean ) , in which all the dimensions are curled up small or in which more than four dimensions are nearly flat , but there would be no intelligent beings in such regions to observe the different number of effective dimensions .
25 Mr Bland spent four years in a persistent vegetative state after his brain was starved of oxygen in the crush at the Hillsborough football ground in Sheffield in which more than 90 people died in 1989 .
26 The action sought to emphasize that the conflict , in which more than 3,000 people had died in faction fighting since January 1987 , was a national , and not simply a local problem .
27 In what was seen as a serious challenge to President Daniel arap Moi 's government , four days of rioting in which more than 20 people were killed followed a rally held on July 7 by advocates of political reform .
28 In November 1985 , when the Palace of Justice was occupied by guerrillas of the April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , Arias had led the assault by government forces in which more than 100 people had been killed [ see pp. 34804-05 ] .
29 It followed a week in which more than 120 people were reported killed in township fighting .
30 A session set for May 13 was cancelled , and resumed negotiations were again suspended on May 27 when the ethnic-Moslem Party of Democratic Action ( SDA — chaired by Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic ) withdrew in protest at alleged Serbian atrocities in Sarajevo , including the shelling of a maternity hospital on May 25-26 , and a mortar attack on civilians queuing for bread on May 27 in which more than 20 people were killed .
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