Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 No , but what I have done is to give you my expert opinion that any developments within the conservation area er within the D thirty nine part of the conservation area would be likely to be destructive of the character of the ancient part of the village .
2 Serious issues of equity of provision arise in this context , since major cut-backs in relative resources are likely to be destructive of excellence , which serves in part as a national resource .
3 The words " corrupt public morals " suggest conduct which a jury might find to be destructive of the very fabric of society . "
4 All racial incidents are carefully monitored at divisional and area level , and senior officers are instructed to be vigilant of possible rising trends .
5 The question of accent is important too — you need to be confident of the accent with which you are working , and it is always advisable to present an accent you are familiar with or at least can work with comfortably .
6 While a collector may be happy to pay over the odds for such interesting issues , an investor would have to be confident of rising gold prices to show a profit on resale .
7 While a collector may be happy to pay over the odds for such interesting issues , an investor would have to be confident of rising gold prices to show a profit on resale .
8 While a collector may be happy to pay over the odds for such interesting issues , an investor would have to be confident of rising gold prices to show a profit on resale .
9 I was confident of beating him , but then I believe that you have to be confident of beating everybody .
10 All sides seem to be confident of biblical grounds for their various positions .
11 Des Burke , Burmin 's Managing Director , was reported to be confident of dispelling opposition : ‘ Of course there are people jumping up and down …
12 This does much to encourage a client to be confident of your ability and to cement relationships .
13 I John gives several other ways which enable us to be confident of our new status .
14 But both sides have plenty of work to do to be confident of making an impression in the All Ireland League .
15 Other disputes arose and , in general , Comintern officials were inclined to be disparaging of their Latin American comrades .
16 The attitude towards science in the Eagle could be said to be typical of UK comics generally .
17 He embodies what everybody , Press included , Press in particular , takes to be typical of the skinhead movement .
18 We found that the length of time transported chickens spent in this catatonic state matched that which researchers elsewhere have shown to be typical of the very highest levels of fear .
19 Margery 's ‘ visions ’ appear not to be typical of those of more orthodox mystics .
20 The ‘ artificial circumstance ’ of the theatre and of ‘ live ’ variety allowed some middle-class observers a safe glimpse into that ‘ tumult and promiscuity ’ which Arnold Bennett found to be typical of American hotel lobbies and which most respectable people took to be the hallmarks of the new city .
21 Shipton would have been saddened to see the old rotting tins and abandoned jerrycans that seemed to be typical of all military movement in this area .
22 Brownlow was felt by many in the group to be typical of government sponsored community economic development initiatives in that it was unrepresentative of local people in so far as local people felt excluded from the processes that were happening , even though substantial resources were being made available through the initiative .
23 Suggest a set of sequences of assignment statements , which you would expect to be typical of programs involving arithmetic calculation .
24 It must be borne in mind that this distribution , while , likely to be typical of the 1910 sample as a whole , does reflect that sample sage structure : the information comes from marriages logged very largely between 1910 and 1920 and obviously tells us more about the families that sent their daughter to the trade in the 1900s than about the earlier decades .
25 Each field had its own small barn for wintering stock , a custom said to be typical of the early Norse settlers that came to this dale , leaving on the landscape the marks of their hands and on the speech the sound of their tongue .
26 I shall return to the ( pull ) set as an example of phono-lexical alternation , largely because such alternation appears to be typical of dialect-divergent communities , and is extremely important in the arguments that I shall develop in later chapters on phonological change and on the effects of strong and weak social ties in communities .
27 Instead , their own households are more likely to be typical of the larger examples of the detached , the semi-detached and the bungalow , which are extended , in part through emulatory processes , to other sectors of our society with similar aspirations , to such a degree that these styles virtually command modern private development .
28 Forbes ' verses and caricatures became famous , and came to be typical of a kind of hearty humour forming a part of scientific meetings of the nineteenth century .
29 Generosity , affability and an overwhelming fondness for the sound of his own voice : these characteristics , founded on a ready wit and a gargantuan appetite , created a superficial impression of warmth and worldliness which Harry took to be typical of an upper crust Home Counties hotelier .
30 Barbaric , for instance , began its lexical life as a designation for tribes which did not speak Greek ( the Romans later amended this to embrace tribes which spoke neither Greek nor Latin ) ; it is no surprise that it was extended to include behaviour held , rightly or wrongly , to be typical of such tribes and at the beginning of this stage it can not but have been an associative adjective in these uses .
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