Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] it will " in BNC.

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1 Yet in such circumstances the insider 's account has a potential to combine ‘ action anthropology ’ , ‘ applied anthropology ’ , and ‘ pure anthropology ’ , to create a fully semantic analysis ; and this raises the question of whether it will then be possible to publish and be damned ?
2 The central question regarding the proposed expansion of the Community thus remains that of whether it will provide the impetus for closer integration or for the beginning of a Europe ‘ à la carte ’ .
3 Firstly , as with any property , a purchaser wants an assessment of the physical state of the property and an assessment of whether it will be suitable for its business .
4 The question of whether it will be effective or not will not be determined until the trials are finished . ’
5 It 's not as if it 'll frighten the horses , because they 're supposed to be colour blind : mind you , have seen some of the migraine colour schemes a racing cyclist friend wears I 'm not so sure about that !
6 It does n't look as if it 'll factorize easily .
7 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
8 The second is that even if the stockmarket does eventually rise by enough to persuade holders to exercise the warrants , issuers will have to plan and to some extent act as if it will not .
9 These lists are not exhaustive — if they were they would fill the entire book — but work on the principle of : if it looks as if it will fit , then it probably will .
10 If the report looks as if it will be over 15–20 pages you should be having second thoughts about its suitability .
11 MITI had hoped to get the legislation through by next month , but it now looks as if it will have to wait until autumn before the ministries have talked it over .
12 It looks , though , as if it will be another step towards the end of something that has had its day .
13 It sounds almost as if it will be too agonizing for them .
14 He says ‘ SAG efforts are frozen , it ca n't decide which way to go and does n't look as if it will ever get its act together . ’
15 Mr Clinton wanted energy producers to absorb the tax ; after strenuous lobbying , it now looks as if it will be fully passed on to consumers .
16 Microsoft Corp has been talking a little more about its planned Cairo — now called Windows Cairo — object-oriented operating system , and far from being a distant prospect , it looks as if it will come hard on the heels of Windows NT , with a professional developers ' kit available as soon as early next year according to the late Systems & Network Integration .
17 Yeah , but it 's a really , really weird thing , it 's ever so heavy it looks as if it will be very hard to grind the coffee .
18 Put your bag in if it 'll go in as well while you 're at it .
19 I only want you to cos it 'll make it up to three .
20 The City 's top gurus reckon that the new package will certainly set shares alight when the stock market opens this morning but there are doubts as to whether it will continue to keep share prices riding high .
21 The company is uncertain as to whether it will phase out its current T805-based GigaCubes just yet — the decision will depend on customer demand .
22 The company is uncertain as to whether it will phase out its current T805-based GigaCubes just yet — the decision will depend on customer demand .
23 As to whether it will be a viable alternative to the likes of Hell , Scitex and Crosfield or will simply provide these companies with the base material in electronic form is an answer that is some years away yet .
24 Until a Summons is served , one is in blissful ignorance as to whether it will be under the Optional Procedure or not , unless of course the third party correspondents are charitable enough to advise you .
25 Now , the paper format has n't quite been decided with reference to whether it will be compulsory to do at least one from each section .
26 I want to concentrate on whether it will provide a sufficiently good means of dealing with young people .
27 Until we demonstrate that , the case for increasing expenditure on elderly people has to be very modest , and related to what evidence we have about whether it will improve their welfare . ’
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