Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was thinking about my Auntie Muriel .
2 ‘ It 's because I 'm feeling so pleased about my leave chit . ’
3 Naturally , I know most about my home country , Italy .
4 ‘ What about my Aunt Goldie ?
5 ‘ I 've never had any doubts about my scoring ability but I have still got to go out and do it on a consistent basis . ’
6 ‘ Instead of you complaining to the authorities about my supposd parque aquático , perhaps I should complain about your workshop . ’
7 I had forgotten all about my escape equipment .
8 say about my fruit salad ?
9 Then I began to worry about my birth plan .
10 So when I was confronted by the station warrant officer ( SWO ) in my very best turnout I was somewhat aggrieved at his tirade about my flouting regulations when a strange apparition approached , an airman acting as the station Postman .
11 about my kitchen table .
12 ‘ On the international scene , I am pleased about my Eire qualification .
13 She said , and I 'm gon na talk about my cat Ginger and my brother 's car an , and my brother 's Barney , oh by the way Barney 's dead !
14 I spent the past nine and a half years doing everything I can to keep everything about my daughter secret .
15 I have also been interviewed on trains and on a cross-channel ferry about my travel habits .
16 He said : ‘ She 's attractive and if she wants to talk about my Land Rover and muddy boots , why not ?
17 Often when people have enquired about my subject area , my reply is greeted with a polite , " Oh ! " followed by a change of conversation .
18 ‘ I thought you came round here to ask if I 'd seen anything suspicious last night , not grill me about my sex life . ’
19 ‘ Are you trying to tell me something about my sex appeal ? ’
20 I think about my friend Erin , as I often do .
21 McGoldrick said : ‘ The chairman can be blunt and the target was his way of getting at me about my goalscoring record .
22 We have told them about my alarm system , and they would do something if they heard it .
23 Recently during a radio interview about my play Mr and Mrs Nobody , I realised to my horror that the names of its two stars , Judi Dench and Michael Williams , had totally left my head .
24 I 've got no idea about my TV licence and I 'm not even slightly interested . ’
25 She 's gon na turn round and say you ca n't complain about my work rate and we 're not complaining about her work rate .
26 ‘ I was just going to tell you about my love affairs . ’
27 Nothing much about my character matters .
28 Absolutely , I mean I feel more so about my phone number and address , my phone number particularly erm you know money 's money and so what , but when it 's when it 's your personal safety I think I think it 's appalling .
29 Receptionist saying about my school teacher ?
30 Everybody who 's had any sort of tremor or experience or much worse , they 're all individual and it 's no use me talking to you about my heart condition , because you have n't got my heart .
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