Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] with their " in BNC.

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1 And it will isolate the more effective techniques that parents have at their disposal for communicating with their children .
2 I covered myself in myself and became the observer , an easy role to assume after years of struggling with their throaty language and its local eccentricities , its dialects and apposite linguistic twists and turns .
3 Some of the councillors consider they are out of keeping with their surroundings and inappropriate in an AONB .
4 The new DOS 5 Shell gives PC users a new way of interacting with their machine .
5 And a substantial 47% were not satisfied with the frequency of lovemaking with their husbands/partners .
6 It is not a desirable place to paint pictures in , inside the Cuiraing : the silence and the grandeur awes you ; and the sheep above where we stood had an uncomfortable habit of loosening with their feet stones that came with an ominous crash near to us , and some shepherd lads , much less excusable , thought it good fun to threaten to , and likewise to perform , throwing stones near us .
7 When Mr. Major professes on the one hand to stand for something he calls a ‘ classless society ’ and , on the other , whinges on behalf of the wealthy , purportedly faced with the unbearable prospect under Labour of parting with their other BMW , we can detect the unmistakable stench of humbug .
8 As many of the old river managers learned from first-hand experience of tinkering with their rivers , it is ultimately far more productive to work with a river than against it .
9 The usual way of coping with their father had been to make no reference to anything untoward that might have happened , for fear of bringing it all upon them again .
10 Women recognize that some of their tears are tears of weakness , and these are the tears which come as an alternative to rage and anger or as a way of coping with their feelings of powerlessness .
11 This means that lecturers and tutors will have to find ways of connecting with their students ' outlooks .
12 Ethel of course had had her own way of dealing with their advances .
13 After the 1990 Football World Cup offered us images of football heroes bursting into tears as a way of dealing with their despair , Professor Cooper was quoted as saying , ‘ Crying is a psychological and physical recovery .
14 Heads and staff in their turn are having to acquire a skill new to many of them : the skill of working with their governors .
15 Other people may find more low-key but equally powerful ways of working with their thoughts and feelings , gaining insight into the causes of their distress .
16 But erm they 're going through a bit of a would n't say a bad patch but with living with their mum , with their
17 A sense of release is created by such public demonstrations of grief that clearly triggers many people into dealing with their feelings .
18 Often , all that is required is for individuals to feel that there is someone willing to be supportive and understanding of their feelings , willing to listen to their problems , and to discuss alternative strategies for coping with their social distress .
19 The agency chiefly concerned with neighbourhood liaison was the City Planning Office , which employed a number of community planners responsible for consulting with their allocation of neighbourhood groups .
20 In Valuev 's opinion new local assemblies would reward the gentry for parting with their serfs and enable the government to buy off liberals .
21 Encourage small businesses and the self-employed , and ensure a ‘ level playing field ’ for them in competing with their larger counterparts .
22 Employees therefore had a vested interest in remaining with their firm since job mobility was restricted .
23 THESE ARE changing times , and it seems that many controlling bodies in international sport are involved in tinkering with their various sports to try to improve both the standards of performance and the quality of entertainment provided .
24 Parents are seen as responsible for any difficulties in coping with their children .
25 in-service training to be improved and made more relevant to teachers ‘ real needs in coping with their day to day work … ‘
26 Secondly , the staff on the ward will themselves need assistance in coping with their own feelings about the tragedy .
27 In coping with their depression they will also have gained insights that will help them to understand other people better and be more able to offer acceptable sympathy and help .
28 Prior to the nineteenth century children were dressed as miniature adults , complete with all the external manifestations of masculinity and femininity ; exposed to the social aspects of adult sexuality earlier than modern children , they probably had much less difficulty in coping with their own biological changes .
29 erm being able to help families that erm have problems in coping with their children and so on .
30 Nor do I actually think it 's going to stop the Labour members of this council from continuing with their support .
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