Example sentences of "[prep] [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 There is a mystic , psychic quality about them that is pleasantly disturbing , and often one of them will gently take my hand and gaze steadily into my eyes as if willing me better and I feel sort of honoured to be welcomed into their society .
2 I have many examples in my fieldnotes which show this mode of thought to be so ingrained , that even when the possibility of making such a journey ‘ back ’ to basic police work has long since evaporated , the supremacy of the belief still remains :
3 And ministerial statements have actually indicated that it 's not likely to appear , as a final version , until next year at the earliest , and so it would seem to me that there 's a great deal of thought to be gone into the precise wording of that P P G yet , and to rely on quotes from it wou is , is , is at best er , misleading , and I think we ought to bear in mind something that Mr Curtis mentioned this morning , that in fact the change that happened between draft P P G three and the final version , it is quite possible that the final version of P P G thirteen could be substantially different from the
4 By the way the lot of seemed to be played in Hertfordshire these days , and one of the great days is at Harpenden and that 's on September the first on Sunday , when they have their annual single-wicket competition , and that 's a great local event and it 's bound to encourage all the young cricketers in the neighbourhood , they 're trying to make up for the lack of cricket in schools , so well done Harpenden and that is on Sunday next , er , er , first of September and I 'll give you the time in a minute if I can find it , when it is , it does n't say , but it 's probably all day at the Harpenden club , well done Harpenden encouraging young people to play cricket , Sunday first September .
5 I to say , that erm , I would of liked to be highly commend with her , but , I do n't really think , not .
6 and Ruth says I commit myself to him , he will now be my god , and therefore your people will be my people , your home will be my home , your destiny will be my destiny the way is clear , she makes that greatest decision of her life , a decision that will affect the whole of her life but its not as say a life decision is a commitment now , we , we , we are always confronted , day after day we are confronted to make decisions , some of you make decisions and were not too committed about them , and if things alter they will change our minds , not just a ladies prerogative to change her mind , men do it as well and things happen and we think oh no well , I wo n't go through with that I 'll change my mind before its too late , but here Ruth she is not just making a decision , she is making a total commitment , a commitment that is worth time of the whole of her life , to promised to be loyal to de to Naomi and her deceased husband , she promises loyalty to Naomi 's race and the people of god , but above all she acknowledge 's Naomi 's god and her willingness to follow him to the end , you know this , how she finishes of this commitment where you die I will die its to the end its to the end of my life , I will not walk out of it and even after you 've gone mother in law , even after you are dead I am still committed to that decision , this decision I am making today where you die I will die , there I will be buried , and here she sorts of puts this solemn vow to this commitment , thus may the lord to do me and worse if any thing but death parts you and me .
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