Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] then " in BNC.

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1 And what about that maths then ?
2 Is it about that lad then what 's missing ?
3 Tell me a bit more about that shop then .
4 Well if there 's only one for each building then
5 If future league tables report disaggregated profiles for resources and costs for each study then the costs may be validated or recalculated for the decision maker 's own setting .
6 How many did you have to do for that test then ?
7 what are you doing for that hour then ?
8 said , if I ca n't come for that typewriter then I 've sold it , he said I , I told her if she wanted it she 'd got to come and collect it and he said and nobody asked for it , I said well I know
9 If K is the equilibrium constant for that reaction then we can actually redefine our terms such that the concentration of hydrogen ions will be K multiplied by the concentration of hydrogen bicarbonate ions over the concentration of bicarbonate ions .
10 So what d' you reckon I should reasonably ask for that thing then ?
11 erm The response has been for that authority then to groin its bit of beach , and so we end up with a situation today where along the Sussex coast practically the whole of the coast is groined , except for the areas which are backed by high cliffs , erm where we have the sorts of rates of erosion that I mentioned .
12 I 'll have to go look for that book then wo n't I ?
13 Okay well what 's so terrible about this folder then ?
14 If you are worried about this problem then it is worth knowing that the radiation decreases in strength very rapidly with distance and most of it comes out of the back of the monitor .
15 What about this chap then ?
16 Anyway in the next breath he said erm about some supper then ?
17 Oh you 've shut off this freezer then .
18 Your alarm clock went off this morning then Pete ?
19 And the same off this side then ?
20 There is a oh I I take it he 's got ta go for another assessment then has he for
21 and , you know , if it starts it 'll be alright for another week then .
22 Additionally , if you have received treatment or advice for a medical condition during the 2 years before taking up the Hospital Income Plan , your cover for the condition commences after you have been insured for 24 months or if you are admitted to hospital for that condition during this period then as soon after the 24 months as you have been free of in-patient treatment for 12 months .
23 Course I immediately darted back in the house and told me dad and well , and er he says er , you can look out for some trouble then now like , you know and er , nothing happened .
24 If this has been leaking for some time then the transfer box is probably low on oil .
25 Swedish chief Tommy Svensson declared : ‘ If Anders does n't play for his club for some time then it 's going to be very difficult for me to pick him .
26 Right , what 's on the agenda for this afternoon then ?
27 If the so-called specialist does not ask for this information then retreat rapidly and find someone else who does .
28 For this reason then , the criterion of FAIRNESS seems superordinate .
29 As I say , if you look through this book then
30 If there is a bit of a want about such people then the good Catholic church surely provides for it .
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