Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 JIM ; No silly I 'm talking about that Council Tax you know that people living on their own are entitled to 25% off the bills .
2 I 'll admit that hearing about that sermon gave me a cowardly frisson of fear .
3 It seems that the guardian ad litem expressed some reservations about that decision to move the children in advance of the hearing , but by a letter of 24 January the father 's solicitors said that it seemed to them that the view of the guardian ad litem was ‘ quite wrong as a matter of law . ’
4 ‘ We must not make assumptions about that child watching .
5 " Sometimes the irresponsible idea has been put about that land contaminated with mining wastes is related to human disease " , he said .
6 is the regatta which is sometime in May although Mick will be involved with that , knows about that Paul has offered to help and Ray will do a lot of the running around so we have got people involved in that
7 ‘ But something about that evidence bothers you . ’
8 Er no er it was about that jumper look
9 Oh , help , me blood keeps running cold about that bloke havin' a gun .
10 That 's how it come about that Joyce thinks
11 There a lots lots of shops about that spell sell sports shoes
12 Something about that look stabbed into Jimmy 's heart , and he did n't know why .
13 About that number had passed through the turnstiles and his experienced eye estimated no more in the crowd , but … how many other , unseen , watchers had witnessed that particular match ?
14 As one contracts manager put it , ‘ Do n't talk to me about that health needs nonsense , we 're just trying to keep the lid on . ’
15 ‘ Anyway , ’ said Lydia , ‘ what about that steak-and-kidney pud you had on the way here ? ’
16 What would it mean about that planet compared with earth ?
17 The length of the largest axis , L , at right angles to I is next measured , and rotation of the particle by 90° about that axis reveals the shortest axis , S which may then be directly measured .
18 And about that boat called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang .
19 to provide an opportunity for each member to share the joys and sorrows of the past months , with the opportunity to receive prayer and/or ministry .
20 Loss of data was therefore small , and analyses with the last available assessment for each subject did not indicate that any bias had been introduced .
21 Under this proposal the preregistration period would be extended to two years with first and second year house officers working in pairs , sharing the on call commitment , and providing cover for each other to attend specially structured education programmes .
22 But their feelings for each other had been irreparably damaged by the brawls and fights and the recriminations afterwards .
23 Given that Max can interact both with itself and with Myc , we investigated the relative affinities of the Myc and Max HLH-Z domains for themselves and for each other using a yeast assay that monitors protein-protein interactions in vivo ( Fig. 3 a ) .
24 And at that moment their feeling for each other made all previous connections irrelevant .
25 It was painful enough knowing they had both let their love for each other slip so easily away , but the speed with which he 'd filled the void she 'd left really cut into her .
26 Children were playing and throwing a ball for each other to catch .
27 I know this man-woman thing is n't supposed to be easy , but I just wonder how two people who care so much for each other have managed to spend so much time beating each other up , ’ Vitor said wryly .
28 We want our marriages to last and our love for each other to grow .
29 Is he prepared for your feelings for each other to change , from passion to contentment ?
30 Again , a graphic character is substituted for each word to give a better idea of sentence complexity .
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