Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 On April 3 the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) approved a standby credit of 236,000,000 special drawing rights ( US$322,000,000 ) for Czechoslovakia over the next 12 months .
2 But it was n't all gloom for Cauthen over the week-end and a brilliant ride landed the Irish St Leger on Mashaallah .
3 De Gaulle had made of France 's relations with the United States and the rest of NATO , what Ceauşescu seemed to do for Romania over the next decade within the Warsaw pact .
4 Despite writing a pet column for the Daily Telegraph for more than four years , I have been given no information at all about Crufts over the past two years .
5 She told me more or less the same story as Eric — that they are reserving double the usual amount of space for Jefferson over the second half of the year . ’
6 A total of 875 µg of somatostatin were administered before and after ERCP over a 150 minute period .
7 The project aims to rectify this omission for England over the period 1650-1914 by the construction of national rent index , and then to investigate two further problems : a regional breakdown of the index to see of there was a space-related differentiated land market ; and secondly to focus attention on three periods of outstanding agricultural depression within the long run to see whether there was a time-related differentiation .
8 In addition to their port duties , Lerwick staff had to cover controls at Sumburgh Airport which was thirty miles south of Lerwick over a bumpy switchback road .
9 During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited ; Lombardy ( the traditional enemy of both Franks and papacy ) , parts of Spain , all of Saxony over a prolonged period of campaigning , and Slavonic regions of the Drave and Elbe .
10 Harcourt 's reasons for fleeing Normandy are not entirely clear : he was at odds with the Comte of Tancarville over the office of Chamberlain of Normandy , and he appears to have had personal grievances against Philip VI .
11 John Farrant will be talking about the development of Brighton over the past three hundred years and how patterns of trade and commerce have tended to repeat themselves .
12 Jürgen Happenstiel-Imhausen , chairman of Imhausen-Chemie , resigned at the end of March over the affair and was arrested on May 9 .
13 ‘ Basing myself on long experience of Churchill over the India Bill , I decided to disregard what he said and go straight ahead . ’
14 In several incidents in the eastern part of Germany over the past two months the Russians have continued to act like occupiers — and drawn only mild reproof from the German government .
15 I know how long he has been concerned about the aggravated taking of vehicles and the mayhem caused by young men in parts of Nottinghamshire over the past couple of years .
16 Now er I have to warn him there are that sort of conduct has been indulged in to the detriment of the people of Highfields over a significant period by the Labour party .
17 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
18 I have had the immense privilege of serving the people of Worcester over the past 30 years .
19 The survival of the Honours of Scotland over the centuries has depended on many loyal Scots , some known but just as many unknown .
20 ‘ It has been my privilege to see the best of England over the years , sir , within these very walls . ’
21 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
22 Launching a report on the changing face of England over the past 50 years , Burton called on the government to target the 150,000 hectares of derelict land in cities before it allows more building in the countryside .
23 Given the pervasive influence of the Bank of England over the UK financial system , it is no surprise that later chapters also contain a great deal of further information on its business .
24 ( Two summers ago , on holiday in Greece with a school pal he had since lost touch with , he 'd been on a small , crowded , ramshackle train heading out of Athens over a scrubby plain in blistering heat .
25 But this is surely nitpicking , in what can be viewed as a significant contribution to our knowledge of so many aspects relating to the ordinary citizens of Florence over a period of more than 200 years .
26 In 610 a combined Avar-Slav army thrust across the karst , following the route of Theodosius over the Pear Tree Pass ( Hrušica ) and the Vipava valley .
27 Detailed observation of Willis over the years , however , and his general ‘ out to lunch ’ demeanour , suggested Dylan to be more a tribute to that rather vacant rabbit of Magic Roundabout fame .
28 Witness the attempt to use the impeachment process against Lincoln 's successor , Andrew Johnson ; the defeat of Wilson over the Treaty of Versailles and the routing of his party in the 1920 election .
29 In particular they have been seen as a system of colonization , and as institutions designed to ensure the military dominance of Israel over the indigenous Palestinian population .
30 Even some in new houses now want to move out because of the construction works , traffic congestion , and a general decline in the image and attractiveness of Docklands over the past three years .
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