Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I certainly learnt next to nothing at St Aubyn 's and when I took the Common Entrance examination for Eton I failed so ignominiously that the authorities wrote to my mother that it would be futile for me to try again .
2 He used to play for Hull I think did n't he ?
3 Returning through Brotton I looked across the valley and wondered why a huge Union Jack was flying half-mast on the top of the Zetland Hotel at Saltburn .
4 Through Ezra I found what is known in these parts as a ‘ room and kitchen ’ flat .
5 we 'll be able to get them off Gary I think , yeah .
6 I should of gone through the book to find that , put some money on it because if she had Victoria as well , I thought about Victoria and er of course I did n't know about Eugene I do n't read , but it 's in the book
7 Why I headed for Basra I do not know .
8 ‘ When I played for Transvaal I found my role very different to that employed for either club or country .
9 ‘ They have n't called us the United Nations team yet , but after Tuesday I think they might , ’ admits captain Michael Patton .
10 After Munich I thought we 'd saved the day .
11 And I want to see more of France — I had a ball there — but after Paris I went to Spain and got really ill .
12 After Africa I felt I could deal with it . ’
13 When Hitler offered peace after Norway I agreed with Churchill , it was meaningless .
14 After Henry I 've only got the illegitimates and the collaterals .
15 Well , after Marks advert for Clubcall I decided I just had to hijack the fax machines telephone line and call it up .
16 During July I went to St Thomas 's Hospital in Lambeth .
17 so erm yeah just hope I do n't get ill between now and round about July I think it 'll all be over
18 just as I was ready to leave for England I met John Leinster . "
19 For England I suggest the best time is between late September and the end of November , avoiding Remembrance Sunday .
20 Maud Bailey went on : ‘ I 've checked my card index — I 'm working on a full-length study of Melusina I 've only found one reference to Ash .
21 Second of March I go to hospital .
22 come back before the end of March I think
23 Yeah , oh yeah I remember it quite well I , I can remember that I , the only parts of Harlow I liked were the country lanes , I did n't like all the new houses , but then I 'd been brought up in the country
24 After reading through my back copies of MKM I have an idea .
25 I told him that ever since listening to my father 's vivid descriptions of Constantinople I had always wanted to visit the city , but that I had been sadly disillusioned by the Turks I had seen on my way to the Embassy ; they had looked so incongruous in second-hand European clothes .
26 ‘ Long live the High and Mighty Sovereigns , Don Fernando and Doña Juana , Kings of Castile and of Leon and of Aragon , et cetera , in whose names and for the royal crown of Castile I take and assume royal possession corporal and present of these austral seas and lands and coasts and islands with everything annexed to them or which might pertain to them in whatever manner or by whatever reason or title might or could exist , ancient or modem , in times past , present or to come , without gainsay whatsoever .
27 Neil 's boss , no no he said oh I think I 'll wash my hands of Neil I thought that 's another one If I do n't stick by Neil
28 " Do you know , Dida — that ceiling is the first part of Portugal I 've seen that is just as I imagined it . "
29 And then there 's two police cars going towards Wisbech I saw them
30 Every map of Goa I found was useless , except for the one available from the tourist office ( see below ) .
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