Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A vote for Taylor was portrayed as a vote for ‘ Brixton …
2 The cost of the replacement equipment is thus reduced and may attract CGT when it is disposed of ; but for the time being , liability for CGT is avoided .
3 A memorial service for Beryl was held on 27th July at St. Marks Church , Hamilton Terrace NW8 .
4 Only Michels among the classical theorists undertook very systematic research , and even work by post-war writers such as Mills was criticized by pluralists as unsystematic and impressionistic .
5 Reporters for ITN were getting the results a few minutes ahead of the announcement , by asking the candidates .
6 They were so verminous that early guidebooks such as Murray 's advised that they should be sunk as soon as they were hired to get rid of rats , mice and scorpions .
7 The growth rate for Zanzibar was projected to rise to 4 per cent a year , from 1.2 per cent .
8 The realization that she was working for Hauser was opening new horizons for her , but she 'd not had time to work out how she could exploit the knowledge .
9 The figures for Newham are dated 14 November , so I hope that we do not hear Ministers say that they are not up to date .
10 Atomic Energy Authority campaigns for central role as DoE is disbanded
11 Bilateral talks on fishing quotas off Newfoundland were scheduled for early July in Ottawa , Canada .
12 Asked about LBJ 's reputed roaming from his home on the range , his wife Lady Bird chirped , ‘ My husband loved all people , and half the world 's people are women . ’
13 She confirmed what you had told me about Edouard being beaten up and said she was afraid it was all because of her .
14 I would also like them to be sure which player was responsible for Hirst being sent off — his name 's Haber .
15 Voluntary groups such as VHAI are working to overcome these problems through research and by strengthening channels of information .
16 Voluntary groups such as VHAI are working to overcome these problems through research and by strengthening channels of information .
17 In Oakeshott 's view the establishment of the authority of the ruler is the paramount consideration in establishing the polity and the admiration which he expresses for Hobbes is rooted in the latter s replacement of reason by will as the foundation of political authority .
18 One possible answer for Ian being found away from his family is that he knew he was in danger , and expected them to come after him .
19 Indeed , given the fact that there are only a couple of dozen companies quoted on the exchange , the opportunity for follow-on business for DEC is looking limited in the short term , despite its apparent enthusiasm to off-load a VAX 6000 .
20 In February , March and April , the median is also 47 per cent , so the value for March is altered to 47 .
21 It soon became apparent that the future for NME was to model the whole paper in its image ; make it harder , more rock-oriented and move away from the chatty , showbiz legacy .
22 This week a consignment of langoustines , scallop meat and monk fish for Germany was intercepted at Boulogne by French fishermen protesting at cheap imports .
23 In the little time that remained , plans for Germany were made , and no doubt farewell visits took the three friends by now-familiar routes to the beach at Kilve , to Holford Combe and Hodder 's Combe , and far into the hills .
24 It requires extra software , and the IBM XT emulator for the Acorn Archimedes with the ARM microprocessor using RISC architecture ( based on the original RISC I design ) runs slower than the Intel 8088 , the slowest of the PC processors , under the MS-DOS operating system.Also as RISCs are designed with high-level languages in mind , designing in assembly is very tedious unlike assembly programming with CISCs where there are instructions for complex tasks and so programming is relatively simple and , as a result , less time-consuming .
25 That is why I objected to the assurance with which the hon. Member for Ryedale was arguing that this would happen .
26 The African continent was selected for the pilot project , and in 1987 a national environmental database for Uganda was established , using existing data and information derived from remotely-sensed images .
27 What it did for David was have the same mushrooming effect , creating this balloon image of star power — all that staying at The Plaza and The Beverley Hills Hotel did .
28 I think , Bill , Pauline 's expressing the frustration that we feel , that as David was saying earlier , as Christians we feel particularly that we are called to serve people like this in great trouble , and yet sometimes you think , you know , however many times I try erm there seems to be many people for whom erm all my effort gets nowhere , and I feel that things are getting worse in society and one feels more and more helpless and hopeless , and therefore there 's a kind of frustration erm that builds up here erm
29 What 's more , releases like this , and the others in the series , are extremely valuable in allowing us to form a fuller picture of the musical background against which giants such as Brahms are judged .
30 Even more remarkably , two days later a requiem for Zita was held in St Matthew 's church in Budapest .
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