Example sentences of "[prep] [coord] that it " in BNC.

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1 It maintains that the amount has already been accounted for and that it remains financially sound .
2 So we 're going to Scarborough in this big yank 's car and the fellow said if we do n't , if want it I 'll give you a fiver , for petrol like and that it was quite a bit of money then .
3 Again , in his biography of Molla Mustafa Sarukhani ( Ak Musli : d. 1016/1608 ) , Ata'i says that the subject , while in retirement from a 40-akce medrese , was in 994/1585–6 given the muftilik of Agras " with [ an ] stipulation and rank " is ambiguous , however , since it could conceivably mean not that the medrese was to be considered as but that it was given with the stipulation that the muderris should receive an medrese in due course ) .
4 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
5 The most recent work on the subject stresses the complexity and ambiguity of much of the legislation of this period regarding the serf population of Russia : it also suggests that after 1775 repression of peasant disorder may have been less arbitrary than before and that it was sometimes accompanied by efforts by provincial governors to persuade landowners to treat their peasants with greater humanity .
6 For example on page 198 , Mayella says she 's never kissed a grown man before and that it might as well be a nigger and after kissing him she says ‘ kiss me back , nigger ’ .
7 Insignia reckons that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will become a utility house .
8 Insignia figures that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will just become a utility house .
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