Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [vb base] been " in BNC.

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1 When the house of childhood does not serve as a place of support and nurture , when there is intense conflict between different members of the household , then we may find that many memories of indoors have been suppressed .
2 I would agree with that , but I would just like to pick up three two of there have been one or two instances felt that they have necessarily make aware perhaps that something 's coming up in er difficult , but I just wanted to mention that er I do n't know what the procedures are actually , but I mean it d did n't seem to be one or two cases not saying it necessarily the department 's fault , I 'm er just making the point .
3 He referred jestingly to ‘ that which somewhat sticks by me : it is the forest , and I might easily lose myself in it ’ A committee of the Commons a week later complained , among many other ‘ grievances in the civil government ’ , of ‘ Forest fines , which of late have been too far enlarged ’ .
4 All the pronouncements from NATO of late have been to the effect that we regard nuclear deterrents as an important part of the armoury of NATO forces generally .
5 ‘ Though events have revealed no single doctrine by which all issues of privilege arising between Parliament and the courts may be resolved , many of the problems of earlier years which are dealt with above have been substantially solved .
6 But the subjects I have been concerned with recently have been more directly related to my own experience of life : the situation in Northern Ireland ; the Gulf War ; my thoughts have come closer to home .
7 We have decided on the cuts as a result of strong competition from Mercury , whose prices until now have been around 20 per cent lower than ours . ’
8 This is what most of Iraq 's Kurds wanted , and until now have been denied .
9 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
10 The only other clues available on this aspect until now have been air bubbles in polar ice caps , but there are doubts about how closely the composition of the bubbles matches that of the atmosphere at the time they were trapped .
11 People in here have been brain-dead for fifteen years . ’
12 Parents and families in the reception areas were shocked by what they saw and heard , incredulous that they could until then have been ignorant of the deprivation within a society which they thought they knew well enough .
13 I do n't think the theatre 's ever been endowed with a great deal of fundings but one or two companies in the town that have been prepared to fund obviously the one that strikes me is Gilbey 's cos the Gilbey bar I mean that was funded and like they 've been over the years they have given money even fact as a sad note cos Gilbey 's have actually demised now erm General Portfolio have actually taken on the role in Harlow of funding many things if you actually look all most things that have sponsored until recently have been sponsored by General Portfolio so they 've been to the fore in er fundering funding .
14 She supports the Christian Democrats ( CDU ) , who until recently have been of no consequence at all in Lauchhammer .
15 Clinical trials of evening primrose oil in AD have been inconclusive , and the use of fish oil , a source of n3 series EFAs , to treat AD has also yielded conflicting results .
16 Measurement of internal friction such as those referred to above have been made for numerous polymers , and relaxation spectra for commonly used materials are listed in detail in the book by McCrum , read & Williams ( 1967 ) and in Ferry 's book .
17 The DSD levies , which up to now have been based on the size of the package , are due to rise sharply in the autumn , and will be higher on the materials which have proved hardest to recycle , especially plastic .
18 Its tactics up to now have been to in direct sales and in bringing existing value-added resellers ( typically Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and Data General Corp channels ) into the AS/400 market .
19 And all the openings nights since then have been the same .
20 But the years since then have been ones of decline for Yorkshire , mainly , many observers of the game believe , because of the white rose county 's obstinate refusal , until last year , to move with the times and have an overseas star player in the side .
21 With one-upmanship , I told them it was near Lebanon , Smith County , Kansas , but since then have been told I am wrong .
22 I was stuck in hospital for three weeks and since then have been shuffling around behind that thing . ’
23 I did some Medau in London before the war but since then have been thwarted by a lack of classes in this area — but — I am always hopeful .
24 The travellers who 've moved on voluntarily have been creating problems elsewhere .
25 Congress , President , the government have got no guts to announce publicly that their intentions to privatize the N H S on a date that will give the leading time with the razzmatazz and P R that they 've done before to sell shares , to sell shares in the British public in a public nationally held N H S , there will be no seats , there will be no Inspector Morses and others as there 've been with Telecom , gas , water and electricity .
26 And I believe there 's going to be a lot of killings as there have been killings .
27 Marriner for much of the time manages to give the illusion in his clean , sympathetic approach that this is prime Tchaikovsky , and through there have been more rip-roaring accounts of the close , none has been better played .
28 Finally , there are many important topics in micro-sociology which till now have been far better explored by artists than by sociologists .
29 In contrast , in smaller and more informal gatherings such as house Masses , the power this can release has often been experienced so impressively that one wonders whether the new liturgy was not given to the Church prophetically , with a view to new circumstances which were to come , but which till now have been realized only unevenly .
30 There are very very few who are er interested in finding a gambling haunt or a , you know , television or film theatre or whatever , you know , er er by and large there are a lot of people who chat to a waitress if they 're a bloke or , or chat to the , the whatever it is if they 're girls but er in , in a , in a friendly way , who will have a drink but will not be paralytically drunk , who may watch television or a , you know , film or theatre or something if it 's appropriate but wo n't get twitched if it is n't , you know , and and by and large erm all the people we 've , we 've , we 've , we 've come across I came across before have been very very good company and it is , it is delightful to have the have you , cos have you been on a Si on a Signpost ?
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