Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] did not " in BNC.

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1 Despite initial SPD threats to block ratification , SPD leaders said on March 9 that their desire for improvements did not preclude approval of the treaty .
2 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
3 Those who afterwards blamed Lambeth 1958 for platitudes did not know what they were talking about .
4 Taking money for playing still disqualified a man for the highest honours in amateur eyes , but profiting from sporting fame indirectly through directorships did not .
5 There were comparatively few incomers and they were dispersed among the native population ( estate building for incomers did not peak until 1976 , and none existed before 1974 ) .
6 If a number of investments did n't go wrong we would n't be taking sufficient risks .
7 The inquiry said the deferment of projects involving large capital expenditure , frequency of reorganisation within BR , and lack of control of projects did not stem from any individual 's decision , but ‘ from the way in which the railway has come to do things . ’
8 Activation of mononuclear cells by incubation with 100 nM/l FMLP increased muscle relaxation , whereas activation of granulocytes did not .
9 Activation of granulocytes did not increase muscle relaxation ( mean relaxation by activated granulocytes 21.3 ( 10 ) % compared with 18.4 ( 6 ) % by non-activated cells ( n=12 pairs , p=0.7 ) ) .
10 In some ways it was good , though a lot of the older generation of vets did n't like it much .
11 ( Another small trap containing a small band of musicians did n't catch them up until they were on their way back ! )
12 Oh I 'd forgotten about that , right I had to go back a couple of times did n't I Bev ?
13 It is worth noting that a number of subjects did not answer the b question in terms of truth or falsehood of fact , but according to what the speaker , in asking the preceding question , had appeared to presuppose .
14 Technical failures due to anaesthetic deaths , death due to haemorrhage during operation , or leakage from the stomach meant that a number of animals did not yield usable data .
15 The fact that the drug 's manufacturer had proposed a tightening of safeguards did not necessarily mean that the committee should agree to them .
16 Where there is no trust beneficiary who has a beneficial interest in possession in the property , of course , some other way of fixing the rate has to be found ; and in the case of Gartside v IRC ( 1968 ) AC 553 the House of Lords has held that where there was a discretionary trust with a power to accumulate income , the interest of the group of beneficiaries did not constitute an ‘ interest in possession ’ for the purposes of estate duty .
17 The acquisition of grave-clothes did not need to wait until death , and many a young bride-to-be , especially in the more remote country areas , included such items in their trousseaus , either buying them ready-made from one of the known outlets , or having them made by a local seamstress , or producing them herself .
18 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
19 When one considers that the official State Academy of Arts did not allow women to study there until 1919 , one can imagine how many women were given the chance of becoming professional artists by the mere existence of this institution which attracted tutors of the calibre of Karl Stauffer-Bern , who taught Kathe Kollwitz .
20 Yet as far as we know , these pinpricks to the memory that she was queen of Scots did not seriously upset her ready assumption that her mother would do the job for her .
21 Unlike them , Mary Queen of Scots did not see complexities in the situation ; like her grandson Charles I after her , she assumed that the expression of the royal will from a distance was enough to make problems go away .
22 Unfortunately , the list of ingredients did n't include the egg which was later needed for the mixture and we are sorry if anyone has been disappointed when trying to make the scones .
23 He found that strong though they were , and better in the air , this pair of eagles did not frighten him now .
24 Cutting off the flow of refugees did not solve the financial problem , though for a time the government acted on the assumption that the refugee organisations could now look after themselves .
25 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
26 The Compton census figures probably understate the strength of Nonconformity , but it is clear that the number of adherents did not rise dramatically until the Evangelical Revival of the later-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
27 The silent war between the United Company of Undertakers and the Worshipful Company of Upholders did not last long , for by 1748 the imprimatur had been dropped from the Upholders ' blank funeral invitations and we no longer hear from the United Company of Undertakers again .
28 The time I was supposed to be going through this a lot of schools were getting a bit of stick because a lot of parents did n't like it .
29 Nevertheless , the formation of the canon of writings did not mean that the living tradition of the teaching Church was downgraded .
30 Well the add hoc panel of investigators did n't work terribly well , but the they the idea of , if there are a pool of ex employees in erm and in the main we 're tending to think about er you you 're talking about people who 've left to have families I suspect , erm , if if there is a pool of them that you can pull in , maybe that would work slightly better .
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