Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] in each " in BNC.

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1 Details of the team 's full caseload , in terms of the location of clients at the point of referral , the nature of the challenging behaviours and progress with the design and implementation of Individual Service Plans for clients in each of the referring districts is available elsewhere ( Special Development Team , 1988 ; Emerson et al. , 1987 ; 1988 ) .
2 In carefully structured interviews on the concept of God with three and four-year old children she found that if she began by asking them to distinguish between objects which were man-made and ones which were natural and then to speculate about origins in each case , a majority of the responses referred to the natural objects being made by God or an unknown power ( almost half and half responses on this ) .
3 Nonetheless , a feeling for continuity will need to address the sticky issue of curriculum balance — balance between elements in each individual class , and balance between curriculum arrangements across the school as a whole .
4 Three places are up for grabs in each of the individual kayak , Canadian singles and women 's kayak singles classes .
5 By having a very limited range of values in each compartment you can quickly locate the components you require , with minimal wear on the components .
6 However , this need not be the case , and there are situations in which a spread with a different number of contracts in each leg may be preferable .
7 To avoid this , the trader must buy and sell different numbers of contracts in each future , so that the two legs are of equal value .
8 Lois is considering two alternative strategies : ( a ) buy and sell an equal number of contracts in each commodity , for instance ten contracts with a spread ratio of unity ; ( b ) buy and sell an equal value of contracts in each commodity , for instance 10 in kryptonite and 50 in phlogiston , with a spread ratio of 5 .
9 Lois is considering two alternative strategies : ( a ) buy and sell an equal number of contracts in each commodity , for instance ten contracts with a spread ratio of unity ; ( b ) buy and sell an equal value of contracts in each commodity , for instance 10 in kryptonite and 50 in phlogiston , with a spread ratio of 5 .
10 There were 15 constituencies corresponding to the country 's 15 administrative Bezirke ( regions ) , the number of deputies in each being determined by the population in each case .
11 This is the same statement which brings into play a totally different set of reactions in each case owing to the different perspectives .
12 However , composers very frequently use a free ordering of the note-material at such points : This is an excellent method of serial usage , and because it can produce a varied horizontal flow of notes in each part , a single version of a series can be used for a long piece ( Luigi Nono 's choral-orchestral work Il canto sospeso , for example , is written entirely with one series , never transposed and always in its ‘ O ’ form ) .
13 A central commission with powers to group parishes into Unions for Poor Law administration and to form Boards of Guardians in each locality was established .
14 Many of the major firms became too large to be owned by an individual or single family , and the number of shareholders in each firm increased .
15 The number of nuclei in each mycelial fragment was not known precisely but was higher than 1,000 .
16 Table VI summarises the number of subjects in each subgroup who were accepted for respite and day sitting services and who were found to be eligible for the mobility and attendance allowances before and after the interview .
17 χ 2 tests with Yates 's correction were used to determine the differences between the proportion of subjects in each group .
18 Numbers of animals in each class are indicated .
19 Words were recognised almost twice as quickly by the fast readers and , given the number of words in each sentence , this leads to a large efficiency difference between individuals .
20 The number of policewomen in each section varies , although there is always a minimum of one , which is low because women constitute less than 10 per cent of the regular force ( Brewer et al .
21 Each unit in some population can be allocated uniquely to one of the cells so giving , providing that we count the number of units in each cell , the frequency with which combinations of the relevant properties occur .
22 Typically there is a pair of ganglia in each segment of the body , but the members of a pair are usually so closely united that they appear as a single ganglion , the commissure being no longer evident externally .
23 A number of schools in each county are selected annually , partly by the County Schools Association and partly by the Local Education Authority .
24 The first , and the easiest to collect , consisted of biographical material obtained from samples of fans in each of the groups , with special attention given to the Rowdies and Town Boys .
25 The President was elected by simple majority , while members of the National Assembly were elected on a regional proportional basis , each party or alliance presenting a list of candidates in each of the nine regions and the number of deputies elected depending on the population of the region ( for example 25 for Managua , five for the Atlantic coast region ) .
26 The additional command needed to specify that areas with a negative data value be excluded and that the class intervals be chosen so as to place an equal number of zones in each class is :
27 The number of tuples in each relation is again a function of the component parts , with the first or " higher order " tuple being reserved for data specific to the parent assembly .
28 I can tell you the number of ounces in each case , if you wish . ’
29 These weight the balance of responses in each class group in a particular direction , while the actual experience of doing housework is a dimension on which the classes are not divided .
30 In order to plot ROC curves for individual films it is necessary to have a relatively large number of responses in each category .
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