Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] so [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All the er , all the units are let , we 've had two , we 've had notice of two terminations coming up , but we have actually got a waiting list for units so I do n't think we 'll have any problem in filling those .
2 Anyway , Simes , the Golden Girls are on , which is full of intellectual stimulation for dads so I 'm afraid I 'm gon na put the T V on now .
3 Erm well it depends erm the , the economics of power production are extremely erm er complex and , and t to a certain extent arbitrary erm and erm I mean there , there are various ways that the government can actually get out of this fix because obviously it 's caused a lot of concern to close the , the mines , and one is actually to , to subsidize the mines and put the price on to electricity bills er the other is to subsidize the mines er but pay for it out of the , out of , er out of taxes so it 's a basic , instead of paying for it on your electricity bill , you pay for it on your tax bill , yeah .
4 Right er plenty of minutes so I 'll , I 'll quickly read them out , and then if anyone 's got any matters arising they know what
5 I 'm gon na suggest to you that er if w if we 're going to think about channels of communication then we could arguably divide up inter-personal communication to three broad sets of channels so it will will be familiar to some students already I think , er but not certainly not to many second years .
6 I thought well he 's got a couple of kids so he could do with a little girl .
7 She do n't pay me got another pack of peanuts so I have got a few that few , but you do n't need any old bag do you ?
8 This causes all sorts of complications , I mean if you erm if you qualify as a doctor in Texas er and you go to Massachusetts you have to go through another set of examinations before they allow you to practice medicine in Massachusetts because they do n't accept automatically Texas qualifications , they re regard the ri they retain the right to determine their own standards of procedures in these sorts of areas so their own criminal and civil codes as well as their own political structures so these are major matters .
9 One portion of chips 'll be enough between us cos they give you quite a generous helping of chips so I
10 But what you 're actually going to find is that what they 've divorced themselves from is the assistance and the technical help that comes from the County Council , and whilst you may have your teachers trained up to a certain point you therefore have at that particular time you you have them fully trained , and then you say oh well I do n't need any training for the next couple of years so I can step back and save on that area .
11 Tee-shirts and er sweat shirts and all sorts of things so we can take them along , so that 's , that 's Saturday the m , seventh of March , if you think you can help at all see Avriel afterwards .
12 Clusters of actions so she looked at things like the use of the hands the use of the feet the use of the eyes erm and what she called the centre line .
13 What is now worrying us extremely about Local Government in Britain , in any Labour Authority , which is spreading now like a cancer in , that officers are not trusted now to even take the sick list of decisions so there has to be another sub-committee .
14 What is now worrying us extremely about Local Government in Britain , in any Labour Authority , which is spreading now like a cancer in , that officers are not trusted now to even take the sick list of decisions so there has to be another sub-committee .
15 And a couple of girls so they got the message and then the they moved off down towar down the bottom .
16 He said he was a collector of antiques so I said I 'd better keep out of the way .
17 Well from here I can see all sorts of bits so I suggest if you get
18 And then we 're sent a whole lot of magnets so we could test out the cans were .
19 I mean they 're not but let's say they b big packets of lots of electrons so we 're using things at erm let's say watts is equal to so many electrons per second .
20 So I mean maybe , maybe there 's context , maybe there 's the sort of situation oh this , this is an area where , you know , kind of this is an area that 's full of poofs so he must be erm
21 Er and she said I 'll ring you ag I said oh dear someone now coming to the door , she said , never mind I 'll ring you on Saturday , so I said alright and er and she lives at Wyndham , Norfolk , my husband 's niece and erm , you see , and then there 's the other one and she said , auntie you 're always so cheerful , I said , well I try to be cheerful because like everybody else I get a little depressed sometimes because , you see , I have no sisters and brothers , I have three elderly cousins who live away and who I , who I see , one was here a fortnight ago er er er my cousin and his wife er , you see , it will be on a Wednesday , a fortnight today , no Thursday , yes , you see , a fortnight ago and they said , we 'll come again an we 've always bought you a bunch of daffodils so we shall come again when the daffodils are and er and they bring me over bits and pieces because er she was a cook and they bring me something nice to eat
22 Jean 's bought me a tin of biscuits and a tin of of tin of biscuits so there 's ample biscuits .
23 Yeah , this one , cos he knows quite a few , thi , few things about films so I wo n't say that one
24 I mean , they 're ninety nine pence a tin and turkey tins stowed for years so I do n't think these are gon na come to any harm over
25 Mummy and daddy like sprouts so we 've got lots .
26 Yes , but they 're going and then they 've got them in the ponds , they 've got them all in their ponds , so they 're obviously okay , they 're for ponds so it , I think if we probably get ten , fifteen on the , cos I 'm gon na be so used to seeing them , cos I 'm gon na be ordering those , I 'll order all the carps and you 've got as well
27 Now I want to allow a bit more time for questions so I 'll just end if I may with a funny story which , did n't happen to me , it happened to a colleague of mine , erm a young lady , who went to give er a talk like this to group of adults like yourselves and at the end of the meeting the treasurer went up to her and said do we owe you any fee or expenses ?
28 That 's John , me boy , he 's a docker down the erm down the dock he got a weeks holiday this week , so I took me other boy and me daughter out last week and erm we 'd left her with dogs so I said we 'd take them out one day perhaps when he get his holiday .
29 Erm sell for about eighty seven pound including spacers so I was gon na go in at about eighty three , eighty four but it 's the new pricing company so I 've got to ask your permission have n't I ?
30 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
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