Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [Wh pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1989 RSC survey 14 per cent of male respondents and 13 per cent of women respondents worked for employers who had officially recognised job sharing schemes .
2 His drawings and documentation proved extremely valuable for researchers who followed him .
3 Mary Stocks later wrote that ‘ this was a solemn thought for opponents who had formerly visualized family allowances as a threat to the wage earner 's incentive … it was her [ Eleanor Rathbone 's ] turn to talk of economic incentive now ’ .
4 Outside ILT those who were working with bilingual students in general community and adult education also found that they were being asked to provide language awareness training for groups who had contact with their students , e.g. health workers , careers advisers , librarians , workers in advice agencies .
5 They seem to have moved firstly to the coastal places of the west , and then inland along the river valleys — natural enough for groups who rowed across the North Sea and the Channel in open shallow-draught boats .
6 The Diet gave its final approval on Oct. 3 to a bill imposing up to a year 's imprisonment on brokers who violated a new law making all shareholder compensation schemes by brokers illegal , and up to six months for clients who requested paybacks .
7 Lawrence said the team had to deliver for fans who had been let down in recent years .
8 One of their main demands was compulsory insurance for crewmen who received no compensation if they were injured during filming .
9 Originally a Norse term for GOBLINS who attacked sleepers , robbing them of their faculties so when they finally awoke they were bereft of speech .
10 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the liability imposed under section 1(1) of the Act of 1978 was intended by Parliament , by virtue of section 6(1) of the Act , to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim for contribution under the general law , and applied whenever a plaintiff had a cause of action against a third party in respect of the same damage as gave rise to his cause of action against the defendant , irrespective of the legal basis of the liability ; and that , accordingly , the defence of ex turpi causa non oritur actio could not be relied upon in answer to a claim for contribution under the Act ; and that , since there was sufficient possibility of the third party being found liable for some part of the plaintiffs ' loss , there were no grounds for striking out the third party notice ( post , pp. 1022H — 1023A , G–H , 1024G — 1025D ) .
11 The specific purpose of that Act , as of the Act of 1935 before it , was to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim to contribution under the general law .
12 At this time the LEA had set aside funds from the INSET budget , specifically for schools who wanted to undertake self-evaluation projects .
13 At Rome there had been some disagreement and even contention for more than a century on the possibility of restoration for believers who committed adultery , murder , or apostasy ( participation in idolatrous rites ) .
14 It was common form for converts who had led relatively blameless lives to condemn , as Newton did , ‘ the impiety and profaneness ’ of their unregenerate days ; but in his case there were the hard facts of his voyages in slave ships to the West Coast of Africa , on one of which he had been abandoned to his fate and only rescued through a combination of circumstances that indeed seemed to be almost miraculous .
15 The results appeared to show that irrespective of retention interval the recall task ( assumed to be a test of central information ) showed performance on the critical slides which was best for subjects who viewed the arousing version of the film .
16 The reverse pattern held for subjects who wrote with an inverted posture .
17 Three years ago the Independent Scientific Committee for Smoking and Health declared that there was a ten to fifty percent increase in the risk of lung cancer and respiratory diseases for non-smokers who became passive smokers .
18 It was unbearably frightening for frogs who had spent their life in a world with petals round the edge .
19 This Duma was also dismissed after agents who had spied on the organisation reported back to the Tsar .
20 Her first job as a voluntary residential social worker was looking after juveniles who had ‘ come through the system of care ’ .
21 As we have seen , there were already deep religious tensions in society at the time of the Restoration , between separatists who wanted toleration , Presbyterians and moderate Anglicans who wanted a comprehensive Church settlement but no toleration , and hard-line Anglicans who wanted the re-establishment of the Church on their own lines with no concessions to either Presbyterians or separatists .
22 Susanne Turfus , who was Education Officer between 1982–1988 , provided as part of her duties a similar service for parents who sought advice and help to ensure that a deaf child would receive the best possible education .
23 In Britain , the French model became a focus of political debate between conservatives who wished to keep science under the control of the aristocracy and radicals who pressed for increasing public involvement .
24 If tha does n't believe me , ger a bag of coil on thi back and I 'll get one on mine [ not something unusual for Amos who happened to be a coalmerchant ] and ah 'll race thee to t ’ top o' t' wood ! ’
25 Coming in from a film background myself , and being film-minded , I found I was soon in demand to help out with film sequences — ultimately being asked to direct these sequences for Directors who did n't have much experience with the medium . ’
26 Woman aids search for killers who shot sergeant
27 Stories , invariably gathered at second-hand , were told about blacks who had misunderstood various situations .
28 There she quit the throughway , to race along feeder lanes , dodging through refugees who shrank from the fleeting , faceless , coaly-skinned woman .
29 Some run efficient remedial courses , which could surely be used for youngsters who had taken a broader sixth-form course .
30 Thus , as ambassadors who had till recently expressed total loyalty to him " rallied " across the world to Khomeini , he expressed bewilderment .
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