Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Two coups for arts festival The recession has not affected the calibre of the 1993 Perth festival programme , says Mary Miller
2 Many of the would-be emigrants gathered later in the neighbouring town of Lezhë , where they stoned public buildings , and after police intervention a number converged on the railway station and boarded a train for Shkodër .
3 This we actually see is just a continuation of the service that we currently provide for refugees withgin the community , adding another dimension to us .
4 From the nexus of contracts perspective the shareholders are not owners , but simply one of the several parties who make a contract with management to provide a factor of production ( in their case , capital ) for their common benefit .
5 The Board took the view that it was not in the national interest that such complete information about the whole nation should be in private hands and after a prolonged and bitterly fought legal battle it won — ensuring the perpetual hostility of Readers Digest the world over to any suggestion of data protection thereafter .
6 ON the subject of matters French the all-girl band Roulez Fillettes begin their North-East tour next Tuesday .
7 There is no sign of civilization , but herds of zebra and wildebeest and clumps of elephants marble the valley floor .
8 Did he think she was completely useless , the kind of girl who tripped over the side of boats half-dressed every other day of the week … ?
9 In a couple of years time the other schools have gone past you and you suddenly find these services that you need to buy in are become very expensive and become unattainable because you 've been spending your money in other directions .
10 Note , 0.0Z versions of packages wih no later versions are not hard copied to allow for the possibility of deletion by validate .
11 I was standing in the wings on prompt side amid the varicosed tangle of cables webbing the black stage .
12 [ In those days , if you were a witch you were safe as long as you kept away from the common people : once I saw a group of villagers spread-eagle a warlock , drive a stake through his heart and bury him beneath a crossroads gibbet . ]
13 Does it not presuppose man 's progress from primitive to sophisticated ways of life , and does it not suggest on the basis of a progressive increase of ahi a movement from a less good to a better form of life ?
14 He called this early form of travellers cheque a ‘ circular note ’ .
15 Yet by inevitably proceeding on an assumption of regularity of police action the legal process can not help making itself vulnerable to police mistakes .
16 As a matter of police routine a report will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecution .
17 The lowered heads of oxen eye the grain
18 There were names on it linked with lines zig-zagging the page .
19 In telecommunications equipment the three leaders were Siemens , CGE-Alcatel ( France ( and Ericsson ( Sweden ) .
20 Everywhere , his testimony was a ‘ show ’ : one that played in dentists ' surgeries to relieve the pain of extraction , in bars to give a purpose to drinking , in aeroplanes criss-crossing the country , and in television stores to crowds of people pressing against the windows .
21 If the child is in police protection the authority should consider whether to ask the police to apply for an EPO on its behalf ( s47(3) ( c ) and see Chapter 13 , 1(d) ) .
22 When I was in police custody the doctor came in to see me and gave me some tablets and I 'm asking you for some now . ’
23 Thus while the EC Commission was working on its Draft Directive on products Liability the Council of Europe was preparing a Convention on the very same subject .
24 As for Southampton , they looked on Saturdays performance a poor side with little hope of staying up *if* they continue to play the way they did against Leeds .
25 But whatever it 's origins there is now no doubt this is the world 's largest hot airballoon and to promotors ESP the perfect rave ambassador .
26 Yes , I I Councillor is quite right , I mean it is a new new departure to centre these panels in the neighbourhoods , it was always our intention to come back after a a period had elapsed er , we , with the new system to bring to members attention the success or otherwise of the neighbourhood panels .
27 One of my clients registered at Companies House a company under the name Larry Small Pizza Parlour Limited .
28 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
29 For example , the flanks of Emuruangogolak and the Barrier are virtually covered by lavas post-dating the 120–140-kyr high lake stand , and both volcanoes have extensive cover of subaerial basalts and trachytes that even post-date the 10-kyr high lake stand .
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