Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 The day after doctors gave him their cautious opinion Roy gave away prizes for yet another cancer research fund-raising effort .
2 A sudden crash of cymbals pulled him back to the present .
3 Gardening and agricultural production , unlike trading , were safe from government intervention , and his mixture of activities gave him some security should his job or his shop come under threat .
4 Mozart 's fine understanding of key-schemes enabled him to build-up large-scale musical structures that were closely linked to the fast-moving action .
5 A course of antibiotics enabled him to continue and he ended up in a tie for second place alongside Jose Maria Olazabal .
6 Even though he could n't read , the sight of books thrilled him .
7 Mr Tsongas is a pro-business liberal who won primaries and caucuses in seven states before lack of funds forced him out .
8 What kind of librettos did he receive from his collaborators ?
9 Whereas the priests told him that he must die and would go either to heaven or to hell , the singers of songs told him that , though he must die , his name need not and that it was up to him whether he left behind a good or an evil reputation .
10 Arnold was of Tom Arnold 's circus , and his post as the vice-chairman of the party in charge of candidates made him a target of all those who were eager to stand for Parliament .
11 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
12 Having turned his back on what he considered to be the sophistry , deception and compromise of bourgeois culture and bourgeois politics , in favour of the clarity and ideological certainty of what proved to be an unrealistic sectarian politics , force of circumstances compelled him after 1934 to engage in the compromising task of cooperative politics .
13 Eubank took a comfortable unanimous decision — although I had him winning by only one round and plenty of ringsiders thought he had n't made it .
14 However , when he grabbed Richard Baxter 's cloak it came away , and before he could do any more harm a couple of by-standers restrained him and hauled him off to the magistrates .
15 Oh I see and got wh what sort of things did he sell ?
16 The Royal College of Surgeons offered him 60 guineas for it , but he sold it to John Gamgee in November 1860 for 100 guineas .
17 I remind the Secretary of State that last month he claimed that the majority of GPs supported him on fund holding .
18 Wordsworth 's changing of sides has always laid him open to this sort of comment ; later generations of poets regarded him as a moral coward or a fallen idol , attitudes best summed up in the first stanza of Robert Browning 's poem The Lost Leader :
19 His distrust of the power of critics made him ready to jibe at David Sylvester .
20 ‘ Loads of girls fancied him . ’
21 A new salvo of microwaves hit him ; he felt a rush of uncomfortable warmth slide all over his body , and he felt his face going red .
22 Another series of lunges took him out of the central current and somehow he managed to regain his feet .
23 His crown of thorns wounded him like any other victim of torture .
24 Dr Donald Clarke , of the British National Party , was not present and a show of hands suggested he has little support at the independent girls ' school .
25 But hard as John Meaney tried he found it an uphill struggle against Hughes , who was firing on all cylinders , and his great ‘ cool ’ blessed with a wide repertoire of shots saw him a worthy winner 4–0 from seven frames .
26 Only a small number of men accompanied him into the forest .
27 On Sept. 7 , as hundreds of armed supporters of the Moslem- dominated opposition surrounded Dushanbe airport terminal , members of the coalition government formed in May [ see p. 38916 ] and parliamentary opposition leaders prevented Nabiyev from leaving for his northern home region of Khodzhent , and after several hours of talks forced him to resign .
28 Otago made a brave challenge , led by Mike Brewer in his first appearance since a series of injuries took him out of the All Black tour of Australia .
29 Last year , it seemed he had matured enough to fulfil himself but a cruel succession of injuries denied him .
30 He was propositioned twice by ragged and wretched young women in the alleyways and a drunk rising up from a pile of papers frightened him into shouting aloud .
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