Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 He had gagged for hours following the ordeal , convinced that one of the dog 's hairs had lodged itself at the very back of his throat where his fingers were unable to reach .
2 Apart from the splash of the water , and the squeak and thump of the diving boards , the calls of the Indians to each other and an occasional squeal of delight from the child , it was still , and a thrush , lodged in a tree on the common beyond , dominated for minutes together the air above the sequestered pool .
3 When he began to project his voice during recitals then the hoarseness always returned .
4 For centuries previously the subject was a province variously of law , philosophy , history , and other disciplines , each with its own ways of seeing the world .
5 For parents too the head is the leader .
6 For miners today the productivity push has changed the face of the industry .
7 It may not sound like much to get excited about but for enthusiasts even the merest chance of a sighting is somehting worth turning out for .
8 The Arts : The palazzo on the Strand is up for grabs Once the tax gatherers have been cast out , Kenneth Powell envisages a brilliant future for Somerset House
9 However , is this polarity of values really the case or is it merely a convenient dichotomy for argument 's sake ?
10 If those who beneficially own shares are the same in number and identity as the principals in the unincorporated firm of solicitors then the firm and the recognised body will normally be treated as one practice for the purpose of the Indemnity Rules ; i.e. only one contribution , based on one gross fee return , will be payable .
11 A couple of minutes later the night silence outside was broken by the sound of a vehicle , presumably an ambulance , starting up and moving off .
12 A couple of hours later the same Burnmouth boat which had brought the Marischal in picked its secret way out of Berwick harbour , with the three knights as passengers .
13 Geoffrey Smith of Windrush tells me that copies of the Windrush Island Guide to Northern Cyprus , until a couple of months ago the only in-depth guide to that part of the island , have been defaced in a number of London bookshops .
14 If it is one of tantrums then the chart should go where the action usually happens — in living room or kitchen , for example .
15 Millions of Iranians perhaps the majority , it is hard to tell — saw the Shah as did Ayatollah Khomeini ; he was an agent of the Great Satan , as Khomeini called the United States .
16 When work is complete on a range of entries only the text of the latest version of a new or changed entry is transferred to the main archive .
17 He explained that a couple of centuries ago the course was leased out as a rabbit farm and , well , ever since , the creatures have been hopping wild across the four courses .
18 If the acceleration of a system occurs over a small number of steps then the phase excitation timings can be generated by digital integrated circuits .
19 There was two bunches of keys both the same as each other with the house keys on and the keys to this place .
20 He joined Hampshire in 1970 and a couple of years later the selectors were enquiring after him , but he chose to await his chance with West Indies .
21 ‘ A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
22 It was just I , I went down they played Liverpool in the cup about that era , and the , the wall was pushed down at the Street end but erm the people just spilled on the pitch and I do n't think anyone was really hurt , this happened when they played er Liverpool in the cup a couple of years ago the wall was pushed down at the other end on that occasion , but er there was just one , one person hurt but there was n't anybody very seriously injured as I understand
23 all well and good , but for twenty year , we should n't be talking about this , when I was in Ireland a couple of years ago the skew over overseer said he had to get rid of his television for the same reason , he er could n't turn it up
24 Now is it not they 'll ask you , reasonable to recycle some of those savings and surely regain the into the provision of those ten fire officers that the service so badly needs for a number of years now the Fire Inspector 's report has identified the confidence levels as we in our service .
25 In fact , a couple of weeks later the Soviets , a Russian/ Khazakstan selection in everything but name , managed to survive a spirited Spanish challenge in Seville with a last-minute try by centre Konovalenko , converted by fly-half Nikolaev .
26 ‘ 'Then some asshole of a journalist printed a story that he was still working for the Company and a couple of weeks later the Red Brigade snatched both of them .
27 i will post more on Frank 's situation later — but i think he is going ; funny to think of when Leeds played Ipwich a couple of weeks ago the subs were Frank and Batts — some kind of Omen i guess ?
28 A couple of days later the answers were supplied over the phone , indicating that this would indeed be the case .
29 In 11 pages , such curves are explained and illustrated , and a practical systematic method given for designing a set of strings once the tension curve is chosen .
30 The dock strike failed because the transport workers did not have the strength to defend the labour monopoly enjoyed by registered dockers in a number of ports once the Government removed its statutory underpinning .
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