Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But to investigate the connection between folklinguistics and behaviour remains difficult ; it is an area where caution must be recommended .
2 It is therefore difficult to make a clear separation between folklinguistics and linguistics proper ( in this chapter and the next , I will give several examples of the interaction between them ) .
3 Wildfowl , such as ducks and geese , were caught , and deer , boar and hares were hunted .
4 The Transit minibus will be used for outings and visits throughout the school year .
5 These may be organized by local groups such as stroke clubs , so that patients and their carers get together for outings or entertainments and shows .
6 They may exist in conjunction with , or separately from , road-station buildings such as mansiones and mutationes , which may , or may not , have had their own officials .
7 The effect is unlikely to be compensated by a corresponding delay in cash outlays , and of course applies to total sales revenue rather than to simply the net cash flow , the difference between inflows and outflows .
8 The relationship between inflows and outflows .
9 Mr Harrison is known as Chopper , for reasons that Chelsea fans will understand but upon which the ladies of Esh Winning can only speculate .
10 Ask for reasons and justification for what they are saying , using ‘ why ’ questions .
11 It would not be altogether surprising if higher education did inculcate a certain distaste for dirtying one 's hands , for products and things ( money , in this context , is not a thing ) .
13 This will try to find markets for products and services coming from Montpellier and the other three European facilities in Havant , Valencia , Jrflla that are undergoing a similar process .
14 These promotional tools can be extremely useful to the discerning PRO , particularly for products and services which have passed their first peak of interest .
15 Q20 Why is it important to understand family roles and decision making processes for products and services that are consumed by the household as a unit ?
16 We have recognised the need for new initiatives to seek new markets for products and services . ’
17 The EIT 's policy is to hold the patents for products and processes accruing from its funding and to allow members to licence them .
18 In order for the market segmentation process to provide a valid input to company planning for products and markets , it must fulfil two basic requirements .
19 In addition , you will find step-by-step directions on how to connect the camcorder to a colour television for playback , and how to operate special functions such as fades and inserts .
20 If banks in LDCs do not function properly and fail in their vital role as intermediaries between savers and investors in the economy , then any existing shortage of funds for capital investment will be intensified .
21 They ceased to act solely as intermediators between savers and investors .
22 In their intermediation role between savers and borrowers , banks , building societies and other financial institutions earn profits by paying savers a lower rate of interest on deposits and charging a higher rate on loans to customers .
23 She pointed silently to the letter that the police-sergeant was still holding carefully between fingers and thumb .
24 The diaphragm , I read , had to be smeared with spermicide , squeezed tight between fingers and thumb to make it narrow enough , then inserted at an implausible angle .
25 Yes you could do but the point is the , it 's where a person injects , a drug addict always injects into a vein so therefore they get these pin marks over veins , not necessarily , the veins go between fingers and toes and wherever , but they go into a vein where the diabetic goes into the muscle , into the arms , round the stomach area or the thigh .
26 The relationship between Projects and Forum can , perhaps , best be explained by some examples .
27 This , like the advertising language which Darwin 's family teased him with using about beetles and barnacles , was characteristic of Victorian naturalists .
28 I suspect that as I map out some of those tendencies they will sound familiar to many people , for in some respects the distinction between light-greens and dark-greens is a mirror image of the distinction between animal welfare activists and animal rights activists .
29 The 1990 legislation authorizes the establishment of a stock exchange , sets out the preconditions for its statutes and rules of procedure , provides for its membership and operation , and establishes a system for arbitration of disputes between securities traders and between issuers and traders .
30 " I know stories about heroes , stories about magicians , stories about birds and beasts , summer and winter , the sun , the moon , and the stars . "
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