Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
2 For reasons which never seem quite convincing , given the tediousness of the material and the fact that the three do not even believe in it , this becomes an obsessive hobby over a period of years .
3 ‘ I knew Charles wanted me to marry you for reasons we hardly need discuss .
4 Wicking of the T-H-R agency and by Colonel Younger of the United States Cavalry , and those bio-implanted replacement lungs are winging their way to a viewer in Phoenix who has asked us , for reasons we fully understand , not to reveal his name .
5 He and Judith had married , and lived happily for five years , until , for reasons he still did n't understand , their joy had foundered , and the two had become one .
6 Now , for reasons she still could n't fully fathom , she was lifting curtains to reveal all to a man who was , in truth , little more than a stranger — and he was reacting as if he were a long-lost brother .
7 In a further move , Mr Lamont said legislation will be introduced to allow tax relief for employers who voluntarily contribute towards a charitable agency 's costs in running the payroll-giving scheme .
8 The trouble was that ( where it was not already part of tradition ) the introduction of piece-work was often resisted , especially by the skilled men , and that it was complex and obscure not only for the workers , but for employers who often had only the haziest idea of what production-norms to set .
9 In emphasising how theoretical study can be applied , in practice we are equally conscious of how the application of ideas in a wide range of specific context can contribute to the ‘ academic ’ pursuit of identifying general theories and models , traditionally taught and still to be taught through disciplines which often impose rather arbitrary boundaries of content .
10 Reptiles become progressively more efficient , just waiting for improvements which only increasing size facilitates , eventually anticipating full homeothermy .
11 Frankly there just is n't the money to go around , and kids are being made to suffer for long periods of time er for operations which really could be done if only they had the money .
12 We had erm no we we actually had done that we have given questionnaires out as programmes we actually asked people to I mean it 'll be interest to see how many people fill it in this evening but there is a built in resistance by some people to actually fill in any sort of questionnaire er and in the past when we 've actually done that I think the response 's has n't been that that brilliant .
13 I 'd distinguish between cases which clearly involve relationships of authority , institutional relationships of authority , from those which involve people whose relationships are social or informal .
14 Whereas they all currently specialise either in advanced academic credit-bearing courses of one or two years , or in short courses for groups who often have little or no contact with each other , Northern College 's founders hoped to combine long courses with ten-week courses so that students would benefit from having the continuity of learning associated with the long courses alongside the fresher experiences and perceptions of students on short courses .
15 The point is that by thinking of concepts as variables we also begin to think of suitable ways of reflecting their character by numbers .
16 As the foregoing arguments have suggested , control is not imposed so much as negotiated or bargained between parties who both have considerable power resources ( cf. Aharoni 1981a : 1342 ) .
17 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
18 They are based on good teaching practice , and many teachers are already aware of their value as methods which neither pre-empt pupils ' responses nor suggest that there is one orthodox , accepted interpretation .
19 They can also create audiences for books which before had only a slight following , and sometimes the making of a film leads to success for the author of the book on which the film was based simply as an author .
20 Platey particles such as mica flakes may readily pass diagonally through meshes which more nearly spherical grains of identical intermediate diameters can not pass as a result of the length of their short diameters .
21 To conclude : I have suggested that conversational interactions , not just for speakers who obviously " straddle two cultures " but even for those who have traditionally been called " monolingual " and " monocultural " , involve the speaker in animating a series of personas which are realised linguistically and derive their symbolic value from their association with stereotypes which have reality and symbolic value for the interactants .
22 When lost for words he occasionally quoted other people 's descriptions of the scenery .
23 Julia Smith left after reviews which unanimously declared her £10 million brainchild a disaster of monumental proportions .
24 I could not help feeling that this particular meeting of ours proved a milestone , at least for me ; and thereafter I found it easier to get through to him , as in after years I sometimes needed to do , on that wavelength .
25 Counties Leitrim , Louth and Mayo have been named after towns which nowadays have shrunk to the size of villages .
26 For basses we mainly use Music Mans and Fenders .
27 Many people in a management position maybe using P Cs on their desk , I mean those move more and more into the organization as people work with spreadsheet people work with electronic mail and so on and so forth , and the ability to use the P C as their terminal , their window into the accounting application , but secondly they have these tools such as spreadsheets which again are able to directly access the database and the accounting data maintained within it .
28 Since it takes no account of possible movements between sites it probably contains some duplications .
29 It referred to the possibility of " membership of the organization for countries which fully share OECD values and characteristics and are willing and able to meet the obligations of membership " ( and specifically noted the interest of South Korea and Mexico in OECD membership ) .
30 Medved accuses Steven Spielberg of using his Peter Pan story , Hook , to advance his theme of kids being good and adults bad ; while the storyline of Home Alone , about parents who accidentally leave their eight-year-old son behind when they go on holiday , promotes a picture of adult ineptitude and childhood self-sufficiency .
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