Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The aim of the project is to increase understanding of how companies can best develop a strategy for both acquiring new technologies and for effectively exploiting them as an instrument of competitive strategy .
2 If nationalized industries previously had bad performances , they would have been worth little had they been sold at that stage .
3 He cast around for somewhere to put them , and at once Mei Ling took them and gave them to a waiting servant .
4 He looked around for somewhere to destroy them .
5 I do n't like the cold snaps but they have n't been for long have they ?
6 It may not always be practicable to follow exactly the recommendations as written in the accident report , but that is not an acceptable reason for merely discarding them .
7 Not been through much have they ?
8 In 1986 , a father of fifteen children then living in South Ronaldsay was jailed for physically abusing them .
9 But , in its own way , it could never be described as anything less than a remarkably articulate and detailed player , and certainly no-one will fail to be swayed by its fine engineering , or Linn 's track record in improving existing products in the field when the time comes , instead of merely replacing them .
10 The former Wrexham starlet hit 31 goals for the Deesiders last season , despite only joining them in October .
11 The painful state of his feelings rendered him incapable of personally addressing them .
12 MORE than 100 people have accused Belfast City Airport of literally making them sick .
13 This has the advantage from the point of view of the courts of largely relieving them of the necessity to enter into the merits of business judgment , a matter to which we will return below .
14 Even if we were pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 per cent by 2005 ( as the Liberal Democrats are arguing ) , instead of just stabilising them , nobody need lose out .
15 ‘ It was obviously a good way to raise money for local charities , instead of just throwing them away in the waste bins .
16 His father was a farmer with advanced agricultural views who lived until the age of 88 , so that his son , who farmed with him , had ample time and restless energy to travel the country and buy pigs , sheep , horses and cattle with the aim of deliberately improving them .
17 But even when it does occur it does not provide too much of a problem , for the sea slugs are capable of quickly regenerating them ready for the next naïve fish to attack .
18 Since one can never hope to see things which are much smaller than the wave-length of the light which one is using , there was clearly no hope of ever seeing them directly by means of the ordinary optical microscope which reaches its limit with objects about half a micron thick .
19 Months passed and the doctor despaired of ever reaching them .
20 you know , look at the results and to effectively try and to sort of like estimate them .
21 They 're called a pacifier and you can sort of like use them to strike and to defend yourself with them yeah ?
22 I 'd of bought you some grapes only I 'd of probably eaten them myself
23 The seven children have been in care since November 1990 after their father was convicted of sexually abusing them .
24 If I press the Control key whilst picking up this range of cells using the mouse , this tells Excel to copy the cells instead of simply moving them
25 When Boniface wrote to other bishops , he had a way of invariably reminding them that Christian authority meant service .
26 We 're actually trying to let people have fun while they 're doing this , instead of maybe hectoring them erm we stand on enough picket lines as it is outside D I Y stores , so they 're probably fed up with seeing us there .
27 We held on to our coats for fear of never seeing them again , and mingled with the doomed souls .
28 Best of all were the dancers and courtesans — beautiful women like Ad Begum whose speciality was to appear naked at parties , but so cleverly painted that no one noticed : ‘ she decorates her legs with beautiful drawings in the style of pyjamas instead of actually wearing them ; in place of the cuffs she draws flowers and petals in ink exactly as found in the finest cloth of Rum . ’
29 So perhaps my overkill misses the target : perhaps the behaviourist analysis of perception is sound , even though a general behaviourism is not , and what BS lacks is not knowledge of the nature of certain mental states , but only the ability to respond spontaneously to visual stimuli , that is , to respond as a result of actually seeing them .
30 Would you kindly write your press releases on a sheet of this paper , if you can bear to do this , so that we can pin them up on the wall and we can walk around and see each other 's press releases and this 'll be a good way of actually discussing them , I think .
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