Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ib 's Club was similar to the others she 'd visited , but more so , Gina decided a few minutes later as wearily she followed Rune into its depths : deeper , darker , more packed , the music more rawly evocative .
2 Yeah I was looking for somewhere he does n't .
3 The narrative method they eventually choose is ‘ dialogic ’ in the most literal sense , for together they dictate the story directly into their computer .
4 Furthermore , although this action takes place in a local congregation , it is the worship of the whole people of God — the living and the dead , the Church militant and triumphant , for together they constitute the body of Christ .
5 We could can prime them up on what to say and types of things to talk about so they do n't get moaned down or something !
6 The roadside parking was more limited in those days , but of course there were far fewer cars about so we had no problems on that score , and the walk up to the lower tier was over in minutes .
7 With this it dawned on me what they were talking about so I became more attentive .
8 Though what I am trying to do is just explore all these possible lines of thoughts erm in a political way , alright , but they do n't work out neatly and these critics got quite excited about so I thought I ought to point them out to you but you 're quite right in pointing out that they do n't work out neatly , O K. So we 've got to , where have we got to with George ?
9 Er now these are more important asked about so I think we should be very clear on it before er we reduce spending .
10 There were no guards about so I tip-toed along the gallery .
11 No one about so she went in .
12 the fact that she 's , she 's intelligent as well erm she , you know , she 's gon na s she knew that I did n't know what I was talking about so she said right you look , yo you look er you , you ask them about this , this , this and this and they might say this to you , so I knew what , if they asked me , I knew what I was talking about rather than
13 Still , it appeared her advent had summoned a little luck into his life , for suddenly they began to discover plentiful growths of grass potatoes , forest leeks and turtle-berries , a welcome change from the stringy little rabbits and bitter roots they had eaten until then .
14 The style of the earliest red-figure does not differ from that of black-figure , and for long they flourished side by side ; but the new technique was to prove better suited than the old to new ideas of drawing and composition that developed as part of the general late sixth-century movement which undermined the conventions of archaic art .
15 I only looked , I did take quickly a look at them but , you know I thought oh I ai n't got I did n't really have time to mess about for long you know .
16 Only John and Nora could see it , for only they knew of the terrible demand that would sooner or later be made on their resources — and it was going to be well over the hundred thousand that John had estimated .
17 But it is the practitioners themselves who can do this most successfully , for only they carry authority with their peers .
18 Protectiveness towards the grave may also induce the feeling that it is a place for only you to visit .
19 are preferred supplier , for basically we got a hundred percent of the business in the States .
20 I mean what about apparently we eat more chocolate than any other country .
21 Just jot the other people 's names down and then obviously when they 've been they 've said their piece just strike their name through so you do n't go and .
22 ‘ Mme Verard , ’ he wrote , ‘ for so they called her , in order to pay her that honour due to her staunchness and fidelity ( though the union had never been blessed in God 's sight ) , had heard among her people that they planned to fall upon the settlers and massacre them in their beds one moonlit night .
23 He 's got a stolen donkey to account for so we 've got more leverage there . ’
24 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
25 On the one hand , he sensed the anger of the island and its hot spirits if the powerful enchantress died ( for so he saw her ) ; he attempted to exorcise this fear with prayer and readings from the Bible , sometimes aloud to the uncomprehending heathen girl who tended the hag as if she were a lover .
26 I once governed you [ for so she thinks ] and you did as I wanted , you let me deliver Dulé , my wonder , my child , a hero to our people , from death by water , I healed the barren and the sick and granted the silly dreams of lovers , and much other magic besides , so HEAR ME NOW , now that I only hear groans and Dulé hobbles on slit ankles as he rails and Ariel is captive again and croons over Roukoubé and does not speak .
27 If you hang about after 10pm they come over and say ‘ If you lot ai n't out of here in five minutes , you 're nicked , the lot of you . ’
28 Just after 2pm he made his way to the back door .
29 ‘ Rush was one of the few out there who did himself credit .
30 And he lives in this garage because out there you get earthquakes , and when you get earthquake damage to your house the government will fix it .
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