Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 He stood between me and every thought of religion as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun .
2 as men pass between me and the sunset ) …
3 There were times when I was starting in at the cattle that it stood between me and the road .
4 ‘ I do set my bow in the cloud , and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth .
5 The other officer climbed in and sat between me and the pilot .
6 The man between me and the pilot loosened his belt and taking an automatic from his holster turned round and sat facing me .
7 In any case the idea of such a thing between me and the lieutenant is quite absurd .
8 I would like my vote to be 100 percent secret between me and the ballot box .
9 I had begun to feel that there was some sort of glass partition between me and the rest of the world .
10 He added : ‘ Looking back , I feel that relationships between me and the team started to break down at the Hungarian Grand Prix . ’
11 In those days , too , when the guests entered they crossed between me and the cameras , which did strange things to the perspective .
12 Finding the balance between me and the system is well-nigh impossible .
13 I had to develop communication methods which became so automatic , so intuitive , that facts , ideas and opinions flowed easily and effectively without loss of time between me and the rest of humanity living or dead .
14 But when I looked up , I saw , to my great astonishment , a large island in the sky , between me and the sun .
15 The subsequent bargaining position between me and the assembler will depend a great deal on the nature of the ownership structure regarding this asset , and may be subject to dispute , especially if I acquire some knowledge as a result of using it .
16 It was just a big black shape between me and the stars .
17 The prints were n't too bad , considering that I was hanging out of the back window of the plane with just a thin safety belt between me and the farm land 200ft below .
18 His companion , the man with the pick-handle , had moved round to place himself between me and the building labelled " Sergeants ' Mess " .
19 Only my wiles as a courtier would preserve me , and I 'd prefer to have something between me and the Colonel 's wrath that was more substantial .
20 Between me and the wall was an empty place on the window-seat .
21 They put themselves between me and the General 's lady , like good house-dogs .
22 Then it was too late to escape and Mrs Tuckett was between me and the daylight at the end of the corridor .
23 Anyway , on coming into Heriot 's , I stuck to Sarah , as I knew her , + a feud arose between me and the girl who was Sarah 's best friend at the time .
24 Most travellers with their wits about them and an eye for aesthetics would have preferred to rest at the Bates Motel .
25 The Sudbury man was not forthcoming , he had been suspicious , wanting all sorts of information about them and the glasses .
26 Night was all about them and the Wolfwood was a strange , none-too-safe place .
27 Finally , if we are to imagine an organisation in which information is widely diffused , where the members of that organisation are aware of both the volume of data held about them and the decision making processes based on that information which affect them , then two factors are essential .
28 It 's funny how often my family were sarcastic about me and the things I was doing .
29 ‘ Friends close to me probably saw what was written about me and the criticism I took from every angle .
30 I never quite know what he 's going to say next about me and the way I dress .
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