Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [coord] have " in BNC.

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1 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
2 I 'll keep an eye out for them and have a word with them .
3 She designed a T-shirt for them and has written their anthem Children of the 90s .
4 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
5 He is the one who paid the money for them and has made some bad mistakes , e.g. Mo Johnston , Paul Rideout , Alan Harper and Barry Horne .
6 as opposed to the , but , but some cupboard doors are diamond pattern , Muffin will you be quiet have we any more bones cooked for them or have they had them all ?
7 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
8 I am often asked to lead seminars on a topic which has been chosen for me and has a ti tie like ‘ coming to terms with our own mortality ’ .
9 I remember dad running after me and having a long conversation trying to make me understand . ’
10 ‘ At the moment she enjoys flying around the world after me and having a child would make that more difficult .
11 I consider joining the retreating pair below me but have no harness for the abseil , so I settle down to wait while the climber above seconds the pitch .
12 Some birds certainly use their eyes to follow the geographical features they see below them and have a mental map by which they steer .
13 Cotte ( pp. 71 – 2 ) distinguishes two main senses of let , the first of which is described as " the non-intervention of an agent in an action which has been initiated independently of him/her and has been going on already for a certain time " , and can be illustrated by : ( 214 ) He would n't even dance with her at Gavin 's party .
14 The Arab states , with the exception of Lebanon and possibly Egypt , might well have resettled the bulk of the refugees , had Israel accepted the principle of the right of return by receiving back about one-quarter of them and had the international community generously funded resettlement .
15 Information had been received during the night that a large party of Dragoons , commanded by the infamous Graham of Claverhouse , were in pursuit of them and had spent the night at Strathaven .
16 Further down the road , in 1997 , DEC estimates a total of five million Alphas will be built , with DEC making a third of them and having a third of that left , some 500,000 pieces , to sell on the open market .
17 Further down the road , in 1997 , DEC estimates a total of 5m Alphas will be made , with DEC making a third of them and having a third of that number left , some 500,000 chips , to sell on the open market .
18 All of these fish have appeared only recently in any numbers and some of them are still extremely rare and pricey but if you do see any of them and have the money , I would recommend you buy them .
19 But most of the 49 designated assembly points exist only on maps ; UN officials have so far surveyed only 20 of them and have not yet set up camps suitable for an organised demobilisation .
20 you know , we could buy one of them and have no mortgage .
21 ‘ I would fain write a long letter to each one of you but have no strength …
22 Harold Carter , some of you will know of him and have heard of him who was er , a preacher within one of the early preachers within the pentecostal movement in this country , and one of their teachers , said that to teach people to wait for the Holy Spirit is nothing in the world but a combination of works , and unbelief .
23 When the copyists sold the originals to Wildenstein 's for $665,000 and decamped with the proceeds , Wallis got to hear of it and had to buy back the pictures .
24 A low range of hills lifted in the north , yellow , rumpled , threadbare , as if someone had been carrying a lionskin and had grown tired of it and had thrown it down .
25 Ron said that he 'd been preparing an obituary of Lord Mountbatten for some time , that Mountbatten had somehow got wind of it and had approached the BBC with a view to taking part .
26 But by midday they had taken most of it and had begun to dig in .
27 He added : ‘ I was staggered to learn that limestone was to go from Redmire to Redcar by road when we were told in 1988 that British Steel could n't get enough of it and had put on an additional train .
28 Gon na have it rea no , well she 's growing the back of it and having it permed and highlighted .
29 I know you know of it and have even assayed it in a pipe , as they did at court when Astraea ruled and she was inclined to taste it now and then .
30 We 're very supportive of it and have been .
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