Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [be] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 All we keep getting off them is I says , you mean to say , we 're paying two and half thousand pounds worth of repairs , I says , and they 're not done ?
2 Right this is a new thing for experimental work that we 're doing for them is it ?
3 Was it easier for them was it easy for them to pick up work or would they have been woul would they have to face a long time on the dole or ?
4 The difference between them is I have to admit at this level , relatively marginal in terms of er which is the worst and which is the best between the three .
5 well he , he said he , he wanted it as a surprise well it 's not a surprise for me is it ?
6 that one 's for me is it ?
7 ‘ But , like it or not , we were there and involved in it , and looking back the amazing thing for me is I 'm sitting here , breathing , after all that .
8 Well , I think the thing for me is I do n't feel like I have to look brilliant , I just like to have a good time .
9 You 're gon na go for me are you you you got ta get out you get it
10 You 're not gon na use that again for me are you ?
11 And , the worse thing for me was I lost my self confidence , I had no confidence whatsoever. , .
12 Danny , you 're , you 're getting your er , you 're gon na wait for yours are you ?
13 He says this one comes from Brazil , South America and the flowers are not immediately remarkable , but what 's special out it is it has the most wonderful smell of red wine — actually it perhaps smells of red wine that 's been in the carpet overnight rather than Chateau Lafitte .
14 That side of me 's it 's this side of me now .
15 Well I 'm not gon na get her one of them am I ?
16 Yeah , one of them 's I think she was in her early eighties she , they put on a Christmas party and she sang .
17 ‘ Two worlds have collided and both of them are ours , ’ says James Zogby , director of the Arab-American Institute .
18 Basically all of them are you know modernized .
19 They 've done most of them are I mean the wo certainly the ones on the little little boat trips and that , I mean , they have all it does is that it 'll tell you there 's some fish about , I mean , it does n't
20 Erm , can I imagine erm two abstracted intellects , each of them doing geometrical proofs and say about the two of them is they go through the group of er the infinity of prime numbers , each of them is working that through .
21 the first year and the most you get out of them is they do n't even bother to come and see you in the corridor do , who went down ?
22 He 's not gon na know any of them is he ?
23 One of them is you .
24 The best accents I do out the lot of them is yours .
25 Some of them were hers .
26 Oh , one or two of them were they ?
27 None of them were his .
28 you were n't one of them were you ?
29 Plenty of known faces nodded back at him , but none of them was hers .
30 You know the man in charge of them was they called him , always used to go and fetch him to go if they needed er or somebody lost their passes and .
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