Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that he does not explain anything about them probably means that they were known to his audience .
2 There 's a hiding for thee when th'gets back from th'gallivanting ! ’
3 And through them all does there not run a consistency of effort to strengthen the ties of monastic life , to bring back those in error , to wait patiently for better times , while occupying his time with theological work , with preaching and counselling the erring , for whom he displays an affectionate concern — even for the king .
4 Even where deep affection remains unaltered , the gap between them often becomes a chasm as years go by .
5 The dogmatic gap between them still looks unbridgeable : Right against Left , Christian against secular , ancient against modern .
6 In early 1958 he received a stream of well-placed visitors during his fortnightly trips to the capital .
7 ‘ There is a part of me still wants to be back in Bosnia and if I get the chance I 'll be there like a shot . ’
8 ‘ A pretty ’ manufacturing town , Dursley had several residents who look as though they operated the water trucking mills ; unusually for the area , more than half the fifty-two persons listed were rated at less than 40s. , some of them probably millhands , though others must have laboured in the stone quarry which caught Leland 's eye .
9 One of them discreetly asks how the other 's business is doing .
10 Yeah so when people are saying , Well simple harmonic motion or erm you know throwing a stone up and down that sort of thing roughly is n't it sort of one of them goes up and down a lot like that one of them just goes up once and down same equation .
11 A search of the records having a given attribute , to see which of them also has a second , third , … etc. in the required list , will eliminate all the records that are not wanted .
12 There are many different styles of kung fu practised in the world today ; so a beginner should look around before deciding which of them best suits his particular requirements .
13 Dr Golub and his colleagues are studying ten drugs related to tetracycline to learn which of them best inhibits collagenase .
14 One of them admittedly retains a glazed , half-shut look , but the other , propped open behind his monocle , continues to observe the world with bulbous attention .
15 One of them reportedly calls for two months severance plus a month for every year worked .
16 That would we feel is certainly in a coordinating way and if somebody for instance er say you 've got a husband and wife living together , one of them suddenly becomes handicapped in a particular way , what we are planning to do is trying to develop programmes which will enable the carer to have to go on training at the County Council 's expense to enable them to look after somebody in their own homes and it 's a type of thing we want to develop .
17 The fifth , the seventh or none of them actually forbids it
18 The children grew up here too , and now ‘ although none of them actually lives here , they 're constantly popping in to visit ’ .
19 Because I think that one of them actually enters in the medical centre , does n't it ?
20 Now , erm , the situation there was that my vicar came to see me and , erm , what happened was that we 've got three churches well luckily , one of them only has about twelve in it another has eighty and another sixty and he said well what did he do about Rushdie ?
21 Analysts are a highly mobile group , so a directory of them quickly becomes out-of-date .
22 Each of them really turns around the theory that prior to birth the unborn child is not a persona juridica and , therefore , no duty of care can be or is owed to it .
23 There are a number of biographies of Stanley Baldwin , the Conservative leader ; but none of them really casts much light on his attitude to the crisis .
24 I know , I know , 1 hear you say , this precious Boy of yours surely has no imagination if he is content with the first place he finds and the very first crowd of men that he runs across .
25 This little entrance of yours hardly inspires professional confidence , does it ?
26 The next possibility is that this new once-a-week frequency is the level at which one or both of you unconsciously feels happiest with sex .
27 ‘ Not surprising , ’ her mama had said gently , ‘ seeing that neither of you ever sits still for a moment , nor ever stops talking , either . ’
28 ‘ I just hope neither of you ever has to turn to a life of crime .
29 One of you actually runs the finances , the shopping
30 If you 're never still or quiet enough , then the deepest part of you never emerges .
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