Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A girl , aged two , who was locked in her home for nearly 24 hours with the bodies of her dead parents was being looked after by relatives yesterday .
2 Perhaps The Forest and the Fire was sought after by collectors all over the world ; the rarest lot in the sale , valued at thousands of pounds ?
3 population , whereas in a public library there are people using the , some of for life so therefore you ca n't even send year in and year out they have to constantly changing
4 Benny could see her mother sitting there stretching her hand out full of what she had been full of for months now : the huge advantages of being able to come home every night by bus .
5 They 've made it a , a , a sort of through cut there , which is now going to allow people to cross over erm , it 's , it 's going to make erm , two points of pedestrian access shown on the north boundary at the site , will create new rights of way and will become short cuts for pedestrians and especially children .
6 Which means the kind of film that is not financed by the major American companies and is sometimes thought of as art rather than commerce .
7 They should be thought of as models rather than theories because they are orientated to action and to practice .
8 That 'd be the bollards and the , the er set , the York stone sets which continue the line of of Road basically , from the entrance to 's Court straight across towards erm towards the erm greengrocers .
9 And probably forty pounds worth of of petrol there and back .
10 and I 've got clumps of of snowdrops where I 'd and some where I did n't know even know I had snowdrops and
11 Miliary er i it it refers , well you 've heard of millet seed and it 's it refers to a seeding of many different lesions er , around the body it means the disseminated form of of tuberculosis where the lesions occur all over the place .
12 So this business of of understanding how it happened from the , in inverted commas , victim 's point of view um this business of understanding the subsequent effects , this business of understanding the extent , ah are all enormously problematic and um it 's one of these things I would n't particularly like to have to design a survey of because it 's absolutely fraught with difficulty but nevertheless some some attempts have been made um as I have indicated .
13 Chairman , I do n't really want to say very much er by way of rounding up I think that we 've had a very significant er debate here today , there 's been a lot of discussion on very important issues , erm I think throughout that we we 've managed to get er a certain number of of issues really er in my view at least anyway sorted out .
14 Erm and there was just , and there was very little by the way of of grass even and er you know it was towards the end of the life of the flats really , that the play scheme got going .
15 Well I 've got a supply of of questionnaires so er I 'm sorry if you so I 'll Come in .
16 And that 's that 's that 's an effect of of statute so if you are getting your divorce , make a new will .
17 Gigi , no quieter or graver in her advancing years , screamed and flapped , furious at being caged : a necessity , even Aunt Tossie allowed , when velvets , silks , taffetas and bright sequins lay deep on the bed and overflowed the chairs in her bedroom , changes of fashion and flaws of past time limply exposed in the morning light .
18 I 'm not I 'm I 'm sort of like beginners course .
19 I think they 've got quite good variety of kind of up market right down to , if you 're looking for a bargain .
20 A kilo of in Brazil now brings in a fifth of what it did in eighty , nineteen eighty three .
21 From Toscanini I learnt the phrasing , and the words — always with Italian singers , which was unheard of in Germany then .
22 ‘ I think she thinks that Eve is sort of in hospital already .
23 Morphologically , these foci did not differ from those seen in the PBD group of from lesions previously defined as acidophilic atypical acinar cell foci , which may be induced by a chemical carcinogen in rat .
24 The summary way in which teacher education was disposed of at Barry also contrasts strongly with what happened in North East Wales : here , there was much lobbying to prevent teacher training based on Cartrefle College of Education , now merged into the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education , from contracting further ; it is indeed ironical that on the same day , 26 July 1977 , that Gordon Oakes , Minister of State at the DES , declared that Cartrefle should be spared the axe , predominantly on the basis of its geographical location , he should pronounce a death sentence at Barry .
25 She has no choice : she is burdened with both a philosophy and its implementation not conceived of by educators either in drama or in anything else .
26 No fish has captured the imagination and been dreamed of by anglers more than the carp .
27 The main focus of the programme will be an exhibition providing information on mental illness and an historical view of how patients were cared for throughout history right up to the recent changes in local provision .
28 Erm it 's for it 's it 's in order that , that in the nineties we have a historical record , I think I 'm I think I 'm saying this right , there is a historical record of the kind of words that are being introduced into the into our language into our vocabulary like for example i.e.
29 what 's the weather like in America now ?
30 Unlike in America where much of the revenue comes from spending on merchandise and in restaurants .
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