Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm a roofing contractor for for twelve years there right ?
2 Er and and this is why we ask for for greater flexibility both in the allocation and in the wording of the policy .
3 And we were working for for fourteen pound at that time .
4 That says , Well there are n't any rules at the moment obviously but but should there there are rules for for for civil servants , should there be rules for politicians ?
5 I I think it 's important , especially for for young women up to the age of about thirty five when your peak bone density is probably attained and after that you , you do go downhill , to maximise the calcium intake .
6 Er , which er I suppose I was there for for six years .
7 Er I have a great sympathy for for that lady .
8 In this case however there would be a proper framework for for that evaluation to take place .
9 or Knaresborough at all , which is the primary both routes are part of the primary route network , the national network er and feel it 's not appropriate for for that traffic to be passing through the urban area .
10 He was the agent you see for for International Balers .
11 Many employees are using the excuse of falling sales to impose changes to previously agreed conditions , often using the excuse to impose changes to conditions that have been fought for for many years .
12 Er a and for one guy to attend for two days , the guy might go off for for two days .
13 It then went into the City to set up their own self-regulatory and we in fact went to see Mr Redwood and he was quite he was very quite blunt about it , he said well , they considered it when they were sid considering the investors compensation scheme , but the sum involved in pensions are so great , that they could not afford to underwrite a pension er a compensation fund for pensions , so therefore there 's a pension fund for for private investment , but not a pension fund er compensation fund for , for occupation .
14 If he 's been travelling for for zero hours , how far has he gone ?
15 So you pay the interest for for nine years , and they start paying your loan off .
16 Erm if we knew the answer and this problem has been going on for for nine months .
17 And therefore for for various reasons their interest in driving , in most cases , not all , cos I mean some of them are very good , but in most cases their interest in driving i is is limited to what they 're gon na do in their time off .
18 And if we can just er just go back just for for one minute , just to draw a bit of before you were captured , er and whatnot , could you tell us just a little bit about the living conditions that you had when you were actually at the front .
19 But if you 're giving me different inputs , different outputs for for one input , then that 's not a function .
20 And you 've got , you 've got copper we can use for for five Ps have n't we ?
21 There 's the background there I 've met you for for ten minutes .
22 Now as it approaches the witching hour of um the witching hour of ten to ten I suggest we all go and run about a little bit for for ten minutes and I 'll do something about some of the emotional effects and some of the therapies in the next hour for all those who 're interested hello tape recorder , there 'll be another hour in a minute .
23 Now , we 've got quite a long list , colleagues , of , er , members of the European Parliament and members of Parliament who will be with us during the course of the week for for short stays er Euro European MPs first , er Linden , Cheshire West secretary of the European P L P Steven , Durham , deputy leader of the European P L P Hugh , Strathclyde West Barry , Yorkshire West and from the G M B parliamentary group , er , these MPs may only be present for short periods Nicholas , Newcastle-upon-Tyne East Doug , Newcastle-upon-Tyne North Gerald , George , Hamilton Clive Hammersmith and Giles who 's drawn the short straw , who 's going to give us an address this morning .
24 The the festival I th went on I think for for three summers .
25 and he he put them in the in the bank and when he finished , when he was he used to go for the money for for for some money
26 Why why do you charge erm at least for for domestic premises , seventeen percent more ?
27 I mean , is it is it harder for for single women , for lesbian women to get access to the available technology , what experience does anyone have ?
28 to say that in fact various significant costs budgets for for next year 's .
29 and then they say , Are you going to what are you gon na do now for for next cup ?
30 you know I 'm just off likely to be off for for next week and like to get
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