Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 erm they need open areas to encourage others , they plant all the trees to encourage the growth of existing of all these trees in their areas .
2 They look sort of cosy in all their feathers .
3 This was just like real-life after all .
4 Okay now I want you to make a list there for traditional of all the materials we put around there , so make that list there okay and make it easier to look at .
5 God works together for good in all things .
6 Too many people are able to , and do say , ‘ I have n't been involved with TOP at all ’ .
7 I was lucky enough to receive an invitation for the special AGM held at the Guildhall London , attended by Lady Baden-Powell and other Guiding dignitaries including a lady who has been connected with Guiding for all its 75 years .
8 She had detailed knowledge of how to deal with bleeding of all types .
9 And does n't this give us — faintly indeed , but unmistakably — just what we 've looked for in vain in all the other Sicilian allusions : that 's to say , evidence that when Pound was in Sicily he did n't go around with his eyes closed , his ears and nostrils stopped ?
10 Systematic firm palpation of the costal margin in recommended in all patients presenting with pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen .
11 Parents want the debate on the future of education of our children to be held in public with all interested parties making a contribution , not ashamedly and secretly in smoke-filled hotel rooms .
12 But business is far from easy despite all the efforts to talk up the economy , ’ he added .
13 But I , thought Cadfael , on thorns , may be about to pay in full for all my sins .
14 My will is to pay in full for all my sins . ’
15 Apart from the well-known operas , to be given in full in all the main opera houses , the early ones will be appearing , notably in Nice but also elsewhere ; in London the Barbican Centre 's ‘ Mozart 200 ’ promises an imaginative variety of events , including a billiards tournament .
16 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
17 the member of this group to whom we address substantially all of our communication and advice is a Corporate Finance Client who discusses our advice and the transaction in general with all the other vendor shareholders
18 The official presentation will occur as soon after that as in convenient for all parties .
19 There is nothing in common between all this , which consists in ‘ real , services , and the fixing and payment of money benefits , financed in great part by one special tax called ‘ contributions ’ — at least there is nothing common to these two functions which justifies demands for their being the province of one minister .
20 Not much in common at all , eh , readers ?
21 In one way we do n't have anything in common at all .
22 They had nothing in common at all .
23 So can you imagine if you had a conversation with somebody from er er another country and you had no language in common at all ?
24 Since one thinks that there must be something in common to all good things one may then conclude that it must be pleasure .
25 God , when he gave the World in common to all Mankind , commanded Man also to labour , and the penury of his Condition required it of him .
26 Some groups of animals found in nature are simple ‘ associations ’ assembled either through overwhelming influences of nature , such as tide-washed plankton on a sandy shore , or through responses to temperature or light held in common by all participants .
27 The meme of Darwin 's theory is therefore that essential basis of the idea which is held in common by all brains that understand the theory .
28 The conservative outlook entails a particular conception of God ( and of Christ ) , an understanding of which it can not simply be said that it is held in common by all Christians : something I think often not recognized by conservatives themselves .
29 Dip the chicken in the Thai 7 Spice Seasoning and fry until golden on all sides .
30 which is actually taken in significant of all of you , but it 's the most important road to me , that 's the point I make erm and so that a , a I think the wording in promise thirteen wants looking at .
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