Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 As with all the items listed so far , there will normally be compromises necessary in most schools as few of us work in ideal premises ; this calls for advance consideration of the possibilities and contingency planning .
2 From the spring of 1965 an understanding of a sort emerged whereby Britain would give general diplomatic support in return for advance information of major American military moves in Vietnam .
3 In addition to the 15 years of dialogue with the CNAA recorded above the Modular Course has been required to negotiate with a series of professional bodies about the appropriateness for professional recognition of study on various of its fields .
4 The direct standardisation method was used to correct for inadvertent imbalance of risk factors between the three treatment groups ( see below ) .
5 Clusters of related genes are thought to arise during evolution through duplication events , but clustering can also be exploited for coordinated regulation of the gene group , with the β-globin genes being the mammalian paradigm ( 48 ) .
6 I think that 's the problem with degrees , they 're all very specialized , and they do n't give a lot of scope for broad sort of study .
7 A " moral duty " may similarly exist in the case of a specialist journal circulating only , say , to members of a profession , who would have a shared interest in receiving information about discreditable conduct of a fellow member .
8 The society has about 1 , members across the Northern Ireland , people from all walks of life with a common interest in learning about preserving architecture of value .
9 Palestine was invoked repeatedly in regional struggles , in the first decade after 1945 , between Arab nationalists and the Hashemites in their competition to control the Fertile Crescent , and in the competition between Iraq and Egypt for political leadership of the Arab world .
10 This was attributed to some extent to heightened expectations among the disenfranchised majority , and , in Natal , to a bitter struggle for political control of the townships .
11 Other widely reported developments during March , in what appeared increasingly like a battle for political control of the townships , included the reported killing of at least 60 people in Alexandra township , near Johannesburg .
12 Higher levels of analysis can provide extra knowledge , both to aid detection of errors , and to make alternative suggestions for possible correction of a detected error .
13 The English curriculum should prepare pupils for possible study of these subjects as separate options , and not seek to supplant them .
14 Tony Millar resigned as executive chairman of Albert Fisher .
15 Mikhail Gorbachev , the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovietskogo Soyuza — CPSU ) , was elected to the new presidency on March 15 , having already served as executive President of the Soviet Union since May 1989 in his former capacity as Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet [ see p. 37297 ] .
16 The new Supreme Soviet at its constituent session on Nov. 14 elected Round Table leader and veteran dissident Zviad Gamsakhurdia as executive President of Georgia by 232 votes to five .
17 " As far as I know , Sven Tumba , who organised the Scandinavian Open , and Ken Schofield , as Executive Director of the P.G.A .
18 Mostafa Tolba bowed out as executive director of the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) , and was replaced , effective Jan. 1 , 1993 , by Elizabeth Dowdeswell ( Canada ) .
19 Charles Secrett takes over as executive director of Friends of the Earth in April .
20 There are two important distinctions to make : that between contentious and non-contentious business , and that between private payment of fees and legal aid .
21 Linfield are of course awaiting the outcome ; they will play FC Copenhagen in Belfast next Wednesday should a Tbilisi appeal against expulsion for attempted bribery of match officials fail .
22 On June 27 , 1990 , at the end of a 16-day trial , he was sentenced to five years ' imprisonment for breaking foreign trade laws , for not declaring income liable to taxes DM16,000,000 , and for playing a " decisive role " in the planning and construction of the Rabta complex [ for attempted suicide of managing director of Imhausen-Chemie in February 1989 see p. 36477 ] .
23 It was noticeable that the libraries who listed a substantial number of local authority courses were often the ones who listed substantial numbers of internal and external courses as well , so that there was a strong relationship between total number of courses and involvement of local authority ( see Table 24 ) .
24 Here this reviewer must admit an interest : as political editor of The Scotsman in those days , he was one of the latter .
25 Col. Amadou Seyni Maiga resigned on March 5 from his post as political secretary of the powerful executive bureau of the sole legal political grouping , the Mouvement national pour une société de développement .
26 A superficial cancer of the bladder was detected during transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate and a caecal cancer was found on barium enema examination in a patient with iron deficiency anaemia .
27 Again , Fry 's study of difficulties confronted by disabled people in voting in the 1987 general election ( Fry , 1987 ) indicates a series of problems in the exercise of democratic rights which are to large degree sui generis , and can only be understood through specific knowledge of disability .
28 This has implications for advanced training of students in techniques relevant to modern industrial processes , it severely limits the ability of lecturing staff to be fully up to date with new technologies and it limits the ability to provide ‘ state-of-the-art ’ technology and training at tertiary level for both indigenous and multinational companies .
29 Designed to meet the needs for advanced study of nurses and members of related health care disciplines who are already interested and experienced in education .
30 The Science and Technology Studies stream provides an opportunity for advanced study of the complex forces shaping modern technology .
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