Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Also certain wholesale transactions are excluded ( as they are deemed for professional investors rather than personal investors ) and are regulated by the Bank of England .
2 Not for professional historians so much as for people who really did want to have a version of England 's past which makes some sense sort of sense now .
3 Here the Committee has preferred to rely on speculation about hypothetical problems rather than on the unchallenged evidence that employed solicitors have conducted cases for years in the lower courts without complaint .
4 Since the equilibrium price is not observed , tests for sticky prices thus require a model of the equilibrium price .
5 The union has managed to keep the strike going even though Siberian miners are pressing for political changes only , while miners in the Ukraine , where living conditions are particularly wretched , also want large wage rises .
6 For political reasons as much as for economic ones , the government needs to come up with a scheme that is simple ( so that its essence can be explained in one sentence ) and seen to be fair ( the duke pays more than the dustman ) .
7 an aversion to maintaining newspapers for political reasons only .
8 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
9 In the light of the OAS decision , Fujimori stated on Aug. 30 that there was no remaining excuse for political parties not to participate in the elections .
10 It was a matter of real concern that the divisional court , exercising the power of judicial review , was increasingly … being used for political purposes superficially dressed up as points of law .
11 These hoops can be jumped through quickly if all parties cooperate , but the point is that some potential candidates for the 1990 Edinburgh course will already be looking for possible courses early in 1989 .
12 It is also that , even were it not , the reliance on competition between economic units inevitably generates individual/sectional self-interest , and so reproduces in a socialist economy the individualist attitudes and self-seeking practices characteristic of capitalism .
13 To identify and measure the trade-offs that exist between economic objectives so that the policy-maker is made aware of how much of one must be given up to get more of another , e.g. 2 per cent more inflation or 0.5 per cent less unemployment .
14 We did n't have much time for subtle distinctions down in East Oxford .
15 The 1976 Act specifies in Sched. 1 the types of licence which a board may grant , including the nature of the premises in respect of which any particular certificate may be granted and the authorization conferred on the licence holder by the licence , and provides for specific offences instead of prosecutions for breach of certificate .
16 for instance , it might be possible to introduce genes coding for specific receptors so as to alter the stomach or intestinal lining and provide treatment for ulcers .
17 For further information about costs for specific courses please contact the appropriate Faculty Administrative Officer ( see page 46 ) .
18 It is potentially important both with regard to making the compilation of thesauri for specific applications easier , and also with regard to enhancing the similarities between lists for different applications .
19 I foresee the photographic work becoming much more project oriented than it has been — for specific publications etc .
20 Indemnities for specific items already identified by the key features review and any further items discovered at due diligence .
21 Labour law application for full-time employees generally applies to the full extent also for part-time employees .
22 Part-time courses which are available for similar periods of study as for full-time courses usually involve an average of eight hours attendance at college each week , predominantly on a ‘ day release ’ basis .
23 Most of the evidence we find for full-time craftsmen nevertheless comes from the temples of the Middle and Late Minoan periods , so we should see the main period of craft industries as belonging to an urban society and in particular to the temples within that urban society .
24 More and more products are available through professional salons where advice and recommendation is available from experts .
25 A report suggesting a slight rise in house prices brought a further glimmer of hope for embattled homeowners yesterday .
26 There the Shah worked in a large salon that looked out through tall windows on to the city below .
27 As with section 6 , it is important to remember the difference between unascertained goods out of a specific bulk ( e.g. Howell v. Coupland ) and purely generic goods .
28 Thanks very much for filling in a questionnaire yourself so fully , and for your points about possible dangers here and there .
29 Certain groups are better rewarded , not because they are functionally more important than others , but because they are well organised in trade unions or professional associations , having developed and used strategies and ideologies which further their claims for differential rewards effectively .
30 If we take Sheldrake 's ideas about morphogenetic fields seriously , we may have the suggestion of a hidden energy field actually underlying the formation of the landscape itself , giving it both form and character .
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