Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 What is often overlooked because of Cuba 's active ( although never particularly substantial ) support for armed struggle in Latin America later in the 1960s is that , initially , the Castro regime made consistent attempts to build diplomatic relations with its hemispheric neighbours .
2 Examination of records available on smoking related activity in the control schools indicated that pupils in half of the schools had been exposed to some incidental and unplanned smoking education through events such as No Smoking Day or through associated teaching in home economics or biology .
3 Even so , code switching in such conversations is the norm for British-born speakers in my sample .
4 Membership of leisure clubs is on the increase due to a growing demand for professional instruction in keeping fit .
5 showed low levels of support for informal care packages and a preference for professional support in the community , and this suggests that dependence on state services may be preferred to dependence upon kin .
6 This four year degree is in Primary Education , and prepares students for professional work in Nursery and Infant or Junior schools .
7 The ‘ bibliographical division ’ is divided into subject groups , each of which is responsible for professional duties in one service point of the authority , and also for all the bibliographical responsibilities in the subject field allocated to it .
8 Hospitality is the magazine for professional managers in the hotel and catering industry and now reaching all of its senior executives .
9 Window dressing is incredibly important , change the window every other day if possible , look for professional help in every aspect .
10 Determined not to let herself be beaten by such obstacles , Prue came up with the idea of a luncheon club for professional women in the Exeter area .
11 Service Sector — For professional firms in the service sector a typical resource constraint is the lack of the necessary professionally qualified staff needed to meet client demand .
12 This promised to be a difficult task ; hence the need for professional economists in the cabinet .
13 The opening up of Eastern Europe led to countries such as Poland , Slovenia and Montenegro sending scientists , business executives and government officials for professional training in English .
14 It should be noted that if the settlor was domiciled outside the United Kingdom when he made the settlement but was either resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom at that time , this special relief for professional trustees in s69(2) would not apply .
15 Of the 415 cases of death in custody recorded by Amnesty International since 1985 , police officials were imprisoned for murdering prisoners in just three cases .
16 Sections have been cut through well-preserved coral in limestone .
17 The modern tournament is now won by a side carefully garnering its resources for two or three vital games — witness Italy in 1982 — rather than by going all out for emphatic victories in each match .
18 The project being proposed by the Commission would put up £450 million for collaborative work in computers and automation .
19 ( 1987 ) , but its only real existence was as the spatial basis for collaborative planning in the late 1950s and 1960s .
20 During World War I Alice divided her time between entertaining in her home in Grosvenor Street and helping her friend , Lady Sarah Wilson , run a hospital for wounded soldiers in Boulogne .
21 The provisions for capital gains tax relief for entrepreneurs were also amended to extend the relief to gains arising from the sale of quoted shares where the qualifying entrepreneur held them when they were unquoted and allow him or her to claim relief when they receive shares in another company in exchange for unquoted shares in their own .
22 Under provisions contained in the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 Parliament has sought to remove all scope for political bias in teaching and in extracurricular activities .
23 Other cases are known to Amnesty International , where asylum seekers travelling without valid travel documents have been prevented by airline personnel , sometimes with the knowledge of Immigration Officers , from applying for political asylum in this country .
24 His request for political asylum in Hong Kong was not granted .
25 Two Kurds were injured , one seriously , in a fire inside their locked room at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow airport a day after they were told their application for political asylum in Britain had failed .
26 A KURDISH refugee who set fire to himself after being told his application for political asylum in Britain had failed has died , intensifying criticism of the Home Office 's handling of the Kurds ' plight , writes Mike Prestage .
27 Simion Crisan , a Romanian international , has defected and asked for political asylum in West Germany .
28 Simion Crisan , a Romanian international , has defected and asked for political asylum in West Germany .
29 Mihai Lupoi , who had been dismissed in February 1990 as Minister of Tourism in the provisional NSF government [ see p. 37251 ] , applied for political asylum in Switzerland on July 5 .
30 Kohl described the military regime of former president Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte as a " dictatorship " and compared it to the former East German regime headed by Erich Honecker ( whose request for political asylum in Chile had recently been rejected ) .
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