Example sentences of "[prep] [art] work [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As a cook with only spasmodic enthusiasm , I always consider these my reward for the work involved , but the hallowed compliments made up for it .
2 Contract Procedure and Payments : the farmer wishing to have contract work carried out normally gave 4–5 days ' notice ; the administrator located a suitable machine not being used by its owner on the required date , and the operator collected the machine and carried out the work ; the farmer paid the group the agreed rate per acre for the work done ; the group paid the owner of the machine the agreed rate for the hire of the machine ; the operator was paid for the hours worked .
3 Where would we be but for the work done by previous generations ?
4 The Meirionnydd Branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales will award their annual Rural Wales Award this year to Pennal Parish Council for the work done in Pennal Churchyard .
5 He would generally be the most experienced man amongst them , and would collect the payment for the work done , distributing the money amongst his partners in whatsoever proportion agreed previously .
6 Tutors will be paid an honorarium for the work done at a rate to be determined annually .
7 No the the bills are met by er on the territorial funding basis so basically we pay for the work done in the U K.
8 No the , the bills are met by er on the territorial funding basis so basically we pay for the work done in the U K.
9 The cavern was eminently suitable for the work intended for it .
10 This is of course an ongoing process for feminist artists as the work produced accommodates and contributes to the changing debates and theories of Feminism both in alternative public sites and more traditional gallery sites .
11 Particular questions to be considered include : i to what extent has the emergence of new military technology from the laboratories been steered by strategic interests and too what extent was it an autonomous product of the laboratories ; ii how has the relationship between the work done in the national laboratories to that done by defence contractors altered ; iii what are the pressures for greater commercial application of research ; what effect has this had ?
12 Friedman , writing about the work done by a group of doctors in Family Planning Clinics with women who had been unable to consummate their marriage , typified certain syndromes by reference to myths .
13 Pupils from Lexden Primary School spent the day at the zoo , learning about the work involved in looking after the chimps and other animals .
14 The contraction of the work caused by using cable patterns may be partly counteracted by working to a looser tension than usual and this should be tried on the sample .
15 A glance down the left-hand margin then gives a quick summary of the work noted on that page .
16 Although physical geographers have contributed less extensively to the optimization of general systems synthesis models , nevertheless they have to be aware of the work achieved by engineers .
17 In the autumn , ACE held its first major conference in Seville in order to take stock of the work achieved to date and assess the state of the profession ( by way of national reports ) on the eve of the opening of the Single European Market .
18 At the recent CPIM France seminar , Jean-Pierre Brissaud , Project Manager for Matthey Beyrand , presented the results of the work achieved by the company with the assistance of François Schaal and Pierre-Marie Gallois from the consulting agency , CAP SESA .
19 Could you give me a brief resume of the work involved .
20 Although all the activities lack security , they vary in the extent of their irregularity and in the nature of the work involved .
21 The diaries are proof of the work involved , for days before he would be discussing the hanging arrangements , the framing and the other arrangements to be made .
22 Whilst not a support crew member , I do work in the loco department of a major preserved line , so I have an idea of the work involved , and I for one do not begrudge the support crews anything , they deserve every little perk they get , not to mention the grateful thanks of all those of us who gain immense pleasure from their efforts , including you , Mr Stigle !
23 However , most of the work involved in the identification of objects is to be carried out by independent groups of experts handling archives , libraries , museum collections and legal matters .
24 Like the conveyancing monopoly , the probate monopoly affects only a small part of the work involved in the administration of the estate of a deceased person .
25 Employers must therefore now decide for themselves the extent to which their staff need to be trained , having regard to the nature of the work involved .
26 We are in close touch with our allies on this matter to see the ways by which assistance can perhaps be given , and contracts can be placed , for valuable work to be done which would occupy such scientists , in addition to the part that they might also play more directly in some of the work involved in the dismantling and disabling programme of that massive nuclear arsenal .
27 Senior officials in policy-planning units also handle most of the work involved in evaluating policy effectiveness and analysing how new problems perceived by the politicians might be solved .
28 Much of the work involved in setting up the business has been research into the complex safety requirements .
29 ( Belsey 1980 , 17 – 21 ) ( = a reference to pp. 17 – 21 of the work cited )
30 In addition , and as a result of the work undertaken by its resident tutors in Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire , the Board had developed systematic provision of all types of classes and courses on a scale beyond that imaginable if the District had been the sole provider .
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