Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] so that " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of time and energy has gone into dealing with anomalies and revising the formula for funding so that it distributes more fairly on the basis of need .
2 It was the concept of parole , originally at the discretion of the Home Secretary , but amended in the course of the passage of the legislation through Parliament so that he could grant early release on licence to a prisoner only if advised to do so by a statutory Parole Board , that commanded the keenest interest of penal reformers and had the most extensive effects .
3 A skilful negotiator will attempt to trade concession for concession so that ultimately an agreement which satisfies both parties is reached .
4 The Cutty Sark was launched in 1869 and was built for speed so that she could compete with other clipper ships in the China tea trade .
5 It would be helpful to prepare a forecast balance sheet for completion so that we can consider the various options .
6 Informix also launched what it is describing as graphical framework services that is its OpenCase/Toolbus product based on Softbench technology licensed from Hewlett-Packard Co , an encapsulator for Toolbus so that third-party vendors can encapsulate their tools to run with this software backplane and the Informix 4GL for Toolbus .
7 Responsibility for these plans was divided between the tiers of local government after reorganization so that counties , metropolitan counties and the Scottish regions were responsible for the structure plans , which were understood , at first at least , to be of strategic importance , providing the framework within which local plans might be prepared by district councils .
8 Thus the bits will fit together after fracture so that one can often glue a broken vase together quite plausibly .
9 He knew that he was the shortest in the class by about three inches and that Mr Gillis was considerate enough to bark out the height of each boy after measurement so that everyone in the class knew the awful truth .
10 I am currently searching for sponsorship so that we can publish and circulate the report widely next month .
11 I think it 's , I said to Robert it 's just an excuse to have chicken every Sunday for lunch so that they can save some money , you know ,
12 The fundamental task of the work-study engineer is to provide , in this battle of wits between management and workers , that knowledge for management so that they can exercise tighter control .
13 Martin Luther King had a vision as personal and private as the sleeping child or the cross-legged meditator , but he turned it outward as a prayer for peace so that it became shared .
14 I want to bring the game out through skill so that the educated , the sensible and sensitive people can appreciate the skill of the game . ’
15 Loosen tie & undo top button of shirt so that shirt collar bows out and tie arches forward like a cup handle .
16 I also tried to incorporate a strong element of freedom so that a long term eating habit could be created .
17 Theseus would still be blundering around in the labyrinth where he went to slay the Minotaur , if Ariadne had not given him a ball of thread so that he could retrace his steps when the deed was done .
18 Most species also squirt the oil at intruders as a form of defence so that the ground around the nest becomes impregnated with it .
19 In the Odonata and Orthoptera , however , the wing-pads in the later immature instars have twisted about their points of attachment so that the costal margins lie dorsally and the hind wings cover the fore wings .
20 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of worry so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
21 Pour out your Spirit , Lord , upon us as we proclaim and adore the presence of your Son in the mystery of faith so that we may spend our lives in generous solidarity with everyone .
22 It goes on to recommend that role modelling should itself be the subject of teaching so that its functions may become more explicit and better recognised .
23 For navigation in the hyper-medium , it is important to be able to identify uniquely individual units of text so that cross-references can be resolved .
24 Some mammals grow a thicker coat of fur so that they retain more of their body heat .
25 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
26 following a review by the county surveyor we suggest further things which are automatic consultation with local members and indeed this process of public consultation be brought forward to the beginning of the whole procedure of traffic managing reviews , now that , that sort of consultation will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a semi-formal enquiry , but we recommend to you that we use the same sort of terminology so that the public appreciates that they are genuinely being consulted by the County Council , now if we find that there are very contentious proposals after an order has been published , er a C C H , a County Consultant of Hearing may still be held if as members you feel that 's something you want to do , because the objective of , of this whole concept of County Consultant of Hearings is to have er flexible arrangements so that the County Council can demonstrate its commitment with consultations at a local level to demonstrate that , that members in particular are hearing what local people er say and to set up procedures within the organization to give members , particularly local members more involvement in the traffic management review process , those are the recommendations Chairman which involve in the paper .
27 A man can not be said to be truly willing unless he is in a position to choose freely , and freedom of choice predicates , not only full knowledge of the circumstances on which the exercise of choice is conditioned , so that he may be able to choose wisely , but the absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will ( Scott LJ in Bowater v Rowley Regis Corporation [ 1944 ] KB 476 ) .
28 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
29 Can I put the Home Secretary back on the right road by telling him that the reason why morale in the Northumbria police force is low and why chief constables generally despair is not because the right hon. Gentleman suddenly makes a generous offer of help in a crisis , but because all chief constables , including the new chief constable of Northumbria , want consistency of funding so that they can be sure that they will get the officers and resources they require over a number of years ?
30 This gives the pine a more even rate of absorption so that a more uniform colour results when the stain is applied .
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