Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] going through " in BNC.

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1 At this level it may become essential to involve the senior buyer in high level buying decisions , in view of the large sums of money going through the department .
2 They turn the water off , and then when they say do you want the water back on you can have a meter , but they do n't tell you , you pay thirty five pound a quarter for the meter , and that 's without a bit of water going through it .
3 In the early years about 50% of aircrew going through the course were National Servicemen who would only serve some three months or so on a squadron before their commitment was ended .
4 Because that 's quite a lot of traffic going through there .
5 There was a kind of dance of thought going through his head : he had to keep in step .
6 Finally , after 180 gallons of water and three hundredweight of coal going through Jesse , Gerry Williams made it third time lucky .
7 He poked Benny in the ribs and pointed to it , a thrill of expectation going through them both .
8 That 's three thousand gallons a minute of electricity going through that if you like .
9 And the slate merchants were doing alright because there were thousands and thousands of tonnes of slate going through their hands .
10 Therefore , I do n't propose to take a great deal of time going through this report .
11 He is a man who stumbles through life going through various coincidences and improbabilities .
12 The Independent of May 2 pointed out that with two minor cases concerning Urbatechnic going through the courts the commission " would probably have to declare most of Urba 's affairs sub judice and thus spare the socialists themselves " .
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