Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] because [art] " in BNC.

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1 The department said it had been decided not to invite competing tenders for Norcross because the contract award , worth between £17 million and £20 million over five years , followed so quickly the tendering exercise for Livingston that competition would have been ‘ unlikely to yield any improvement in value for money ’ .
2 Husband or wife do get excluded for instance because the marriage has not been a particularly happy one erm and there would therefore be no particular one why the deceased would leave anything to spouses erm but it 's worth saying so if that 's the case , to prevent an action coming along and saying Oi why am I not being there , why have I been left out ?
3 Where , however , the first action is a nullity , for instance because the plaintiff sues a limited company in liquidation without leave of the court , discretion may be exercised ( Wilson v Banner Scaffolding ( 1982 ) The Times , 22 June ) .
4 Thus in many cases where a buyer seeks to reject goods supplied under a sale contract , it does so because the transaction has proved uneconomical , for instance because the market has fallen , or because it has found a cheaper source of supply ; it may then sieze on any trivial breach , or any ambiguity in the contract , in order to justify rejection of the goods .
5 That is why selection for housing is based on housing need not on financial need , that 's the point , that 's why you do it according to housing need , not for money because the money side has been neutralised .
6 The whales were being killed for sport because the islanders did not require whale meat for survival , she added .
7 In Winterhalter Gastronom Ltd v Webb ( 1973 ) , an employee , dismissed unfairly for incompetence because a fair period to improve was not allowed , nevertheless saw his compensation halved by the Employment Appeal Tribunal , who concluded that :
8 Mixing is greater for nitrogen than for oxygen because the gap between 2s and 2p is smaller .
9 Choreographers wish to express themselves through dance because a story , theme or music has inspired them .
10 The time I was supposed to be going through this a lot of schools were getting a bit of stick because a lot of parents did n't like it .
11 The reason why communication is achieved here by lexical means only is of course because the context of shared knowledge makes it possible to use minimal cues .
12 This is of course because the party seeking protection is not dealing on the other party 's standard terms and conditions and the section can therefore have no application .
13 Certainly in ordinary language the accused has not secured the remission of liability because the victim does not remit the debt in these circumstances .
14 He 's now running lorry loads of worn tyres to Russia , to the Soviet Union and makes money loads of money because the tyres , they could n't ha get any tyres so the tyres he saw there were totally without profile .
15 I think they are a waste of money because the baby 's only in one for a couple of months .
16 The practice stroke need not involve any thought of direction because the aim has previously been established .
17 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
18 They 'd been out of action because the church 's spire was too weak to support them .
19 Lancelot , although befriended by a hermit , can not be brought back to a normal state of mind because the hermit is too poor to feed him properly , and ‘ for defaute of sustenance he waxed more wooder than he was aforetyme ’ , and became violent , breaking the legs and arms of those who tried to help him .
20 That 's where the Arabs prohibited the import of jasmine because the scent depresses the men and excites the women .
21 The injuring of the finger occurred in November 1898 and is worthy of mention because the man received a 5 guinea gratuity from the Company , whilst the doctor and the solicitor who represented him received 2 guineas and 1 guinea respectively.7 ;
22 It was held that the accused was not guilty of theft because the transaction was a contract of sale which was voidable for mistake but had not been avoided .
23 Th th th if y if you 're looking at this from the Communist Party perspective , I , I think one i i i i it seems a reasonably sensible s s strategic choice t go for the kind of programme because the alternative would be collectivization .
24 Evans-Pritchard , too , followed this style of research because no other would have enabled him to gain the insights that he wanted .
25 Now that 's all very well having one of those , if you 've got a nice solid wood door to fit it to , but if you 're looking at the new replacement P V C doors erm , afterwards you ca n't fit that type of lock because the actual structure of the door wo n't take it .
26 Whether she is consciously twisting logic , or just , poor girl , confused , I 'm not sure , but at the end it 's quite clear ‘ So dear I love them that with him all deaths I could endure , without him live no life ’ , that she 's got into a world of fantasy because the one thing that is of course not in question is that Adam should die and that she should live on , which appears to be what she 's referring to here .
27 In partnerships at levels one and two , the parent body may pull the plug or change the terms of reference because the partnership activity is not essential to the main business of the company .
28 The biggest threat is from loss of habitat because the rainforests are being chopped down at such a fast rate .
29 A repetition is justified under the principle of relevance because the hearer would not have recovered the extra contextual effects without it .
30 Second , any refusal of an offer of work because an engagement with another organization had been accepted , although normally not sufficient to debar a casual from further offers , would constitute a break of employment .
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